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Everything posted by Margar3tt3

  1. Bump for Clefable
  2. Thanks @Maxternight
  3. Thanks @K3ns3i
  4. Bump. Auction for Quagsire won by @K3ns3i please let me know on when you claim it. Thanks! My Discord is LadySelina#8701
  5. Quagsire s.o 400k, min bid raise of 100k, auction ends in 48 hours after first bid - Closed won by @K3ns3i let me know on when you'll pick up the poke. pm me in Discord: LadySelina#8701 I accept cc for 400k and IV rr for 700k for payment
  6. @jnasalenga please let me know on when you'll get the poke. You've won this auction and thanks!
  7. Thanks @Howieeh
  8. Good to know but it's Kyogre i want sorry. Just bought it...
  9. Thanks @OneEyedMinion
  10. s.o 2m, min bid raise of 200k. insta 5m, auction ends in 48 hours after first bid. I accept cc for 400k and iv rr for 700k
  11. Thanks @koonmartgg
  12. Thanks for buyin @Syaaa
  13. Thanks @StarGui
  14. @Syaaa let me know on when you'll pick up the poke and where to meet. Discord: LadySelina#8701 IGN: Margr3tt3
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