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Everything posted by Margar3tt3

  1. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/182645-pokeshop-by-margarret/
  2. Start Point/Price: 1.2 M End Point: Auction ends n 72 hours after first bid Insta: 5M Min. Raise: 200K Accepted Payment: Poke Dollars or CC = 380 K DISCORD: Margar3tt3#8701 IN GAME: Margar3tt3
  3. 330 k ill buy.
  4. Bump. Pokes added..
  5. Biellucas3344 won, please pm me on when you'll claim the poke.
  6. 500 k Discord: Margar3tt3#8701 In Game: Margar3tt3
  7. bump, Mimikyu auction ends in 71 hours and 20 mins.
  8. c.o 1.5 M by Biellucas3344 for Mimikyu
  9. This auction will be for 96 hours after first bid. Mimikyu - Start Point/Price: 1.5 M, min raise of 500 K Accepted Payment: Pokedollars or CC = 370 K
  10. Last bump.
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