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Everything posted by Margar3tt3

  1. Too late it's sold already..
  2. Thanks @Kevsan
  3. Thanks @Alcahtras
  4. Thanks @NHNam
  5. Bump, shop price update
  6. s.o 700k, min bid raise of 100k, auction ends in 48 hours after first bid. I accept cc for 400k or iv rr for 700k
  7. I preferred Kyogre. Please pm me in Discord LadySelina#8701 and my IGN is Margar3tt3
  8. I want this, still available? Please pm me when you can - Discord is LadySelina#8701, IGN is Margar3tt3
  9. Auction won insta by @Jokerf thanks and congrats!
  10. Thanks @Isozz
  11. Here - LadySelina#8701 Sorry S.O is already been adjusted and low.
  12. Yehey! Appreciate the help @Exotyc this is my friends account..
  13. Thanks @Alkebsi
  14. Thanks @Nickky Thanks @Kesser
  15. @Nickky yes still available, I've reserved it for you, let me know when you'll pick it up. Thanks!
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