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Everything posted by Lordnaitik2004

  1. Wtb good or epic trained untrained any sassy/calm regen audino and quiet mg rueni Low speed and high hp preferred. You can post ur poke here or contact me ingame or discord Discord - ! ƲɳƘɳØƜɳᶠʷ#0069
  2. Player name: LordNaitik2004 Showdown name: Xforcerpro Server: Silver Timezone: Gmt +5.30 Rank on ladder: 18
  3. I did wq in my main which was in gold (one wq in gold then transfered to silver and did one in that) then I got the reward of the silver wq and did not get my gold reward.. as I said my story is completed in second server too and I got some legends there too , when I tried to collect iv rr it just showed "I wish thee well trainer" .. I thought problem must be in transfer so I transfered my main to gold few hours before the time ended around 15 hours iirc and try to get reroll by the account I did quest but same answer from bidoof In short lets say LordNaitik2004 gold account (A) and LordNaitik2004 silver account (B) So I did first wq with account A in gold then did second wq in silver with account A only.. so I got 2 rewards one in gold and one in silver.. (now A is in silver and B is in gold) My story is completed in both so I got legends on both A and B. I got my silver wq reward on account A but when I tried for gold wq reward on account B it showed the bidoof message.. So I thought server transfer is problem and so I transfered my account A back to gold and tried to collect rr with account A but got same mess again Sorry for the bad explanation.
  4. I transferred to gold too but didnt get..Also my story is completed in both servers and got legends in both so I tried for reroll in both servers but didnt work
  5. Player name: LordNaitik2004 Showdown name: Xforcerpro Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +5.30 Rank on ladder: 12
  6. Wtb hyper cutter jolly pinsir need good stats pay well 26+ atk 28+ speed preferable still feel free to show ur pinsir if you think its pvpable You can message here or can contact me in discord or ingame Ign : Lordnaitik2004 Discord: ! ƲɳƘɳØƜɳᶠʷ#4310
  7. Heya! wtb rerolls in bulk upto 50 iv rerolls, if anyone is willing to sell feel free to contact me here , ingame or in discord Ign - Lordnaitik2004 discord id - ! ƲɳƘɳØƜɳᶠʷ#4310
  8. Got my Chomp back tysm for ur help Can be closed!
  9. I left game for few months and came back few months ago. today I was checking all my pokes but my garchomp was missing can someone help me to track that poke? Actaully its been a long time so forgot I lended to whom
  10. Player name: LordNaitik2004 Showdown name: Xforcerpro Server: Silver Timezone: +5.30 gmt Rank on ladder: 7th
  11. Player name: Lordnaitik2004 Showdown name: Xforcerpro Server: Silver Timezone: +5.30 gmt Rank on ladder: 8
  12. @Exotyc sir its been 2 weeks and no reply....
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