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Everything posted by Tech24

  1. @Incandescent did i win or
  2. s.o 50k ech not a bundle min raise 10k Ends after 24 hours from first bid cash only
  3. S.O-40k (for both) Min raise-5k No insta Ends after 24 after first bid
  4. mods pls cancle this fake one
  5. Hey can i join played the game long back ago and took a break im a pve based player looking to join a guild IGN: Tech24 Discord: Tech#1041 Hours played 104 3 regions done
  6. About me Started playing this game at 2018 and stopped till now. Old guild is dead meat now. Looking to complete the game and do some pvp and still need help since i dont know anything about ev train and other stuffs a good friendly is in much need for me Discord Tag #Tech1041
  7. Tech24

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? - Tech24 2. Number of hours played? - 92hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? - gengar 4. How old are you? - 20
  8. IGN Tech24 18 kanto elite 4 about to be defeated yes DIscord name Tech#1041 36+
  9. IGN Tech24 Tech#1041 GMT+5 36+ Haunter i wanna play with some other player as a guild
  10. hey How Many Hours? 36hours Do You Have Discord?yes Tech#1041 Are You Done Story? If Not How Far Are You In The Story?about to beat elite 4 in kanto Do You Have A PVP team? (Just Curious)nope Total Hours Played?:36hours Favorite Pokemon And Why? :D Haunter its super cool Are You Able To Visit Our Discord Server?nope the link is expried Why Should We Accept You To Our Guild?im active and love pokemon Discord ID and Username?Tech#1041 IGN Tech24
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