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Everything posted by Subhammaster

  1. Accept payment Pokedollar Coin capsule 400k Reroll ticket 700k Nature reroll 350k C.o 600k by supraa S.O-200k MIN BID 50k NO INSTA END IN 3DAY AFTER START https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3087039/clefable GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
  2. Raise 25k on greninja , torterra , tyranitar , klefki
  3. 3CC SOLD
  4. cc 430k each rr 720k each fixed price
  5. Shop update soon adding new pokemon soon
  6. Togekiss (bold) sold for 400k
  7. 325k ludicolo 150k bulba hp rock 75k crobat 125k torkoal 275k tangrowth 175k donphan 175k acranine
  8. Raise 25k on weavile , cloyster , torkoal , garchomp , aerodactyl , peliper , venasaur , bronzong ,whimsicott , aegislash (naive)
  9. i started whimiscott 10hours ago but still u not edited that
  10. Raise 50k on weavile , cloyster , torkoal , garchomp , aerodactyl , peliper , venasaur , bronzong Start whimsicott , aegislash (naive)
  11. start magnemite raise arcanine lumineon kricketune
  12. raise 25k on ludicolo,hlw bulba,kindra,tangela,donpha start clone bulba (rock) , wopper ,
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