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  1. wtb yveltas mount discord is user7432432
  2. started.
  3. Start Offer: 300k Min Bid: 100k No insta Duration: 48 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments : Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. user7432432 my discord
  4. Starting price/point : 500k Ending Point/Exact time/Duration(No last calls) : 96h from the first offer Insta Price: 8m Available Payments : Pokedollars + CC (420k each) Minimum Raise : 75k Contact me:- In-game : Smash76 Discord: user7432432
  5. check discord dm ~marvin
  6. price 350k / if you want to trade i only accept other shiny mounts or mounts that are worth 100 coins i only accept other land mounts
  7. alright you can delete the post then thanks !
  8. title says it all dm me on discord marvin1#1080 if you want to sell
  9. id like to buy the blue angel wings my discord is marvin1#1080 dm me there or ingame im online rn
  10. yo i watched a video of smooge and he wears this outfit does anyone know where he got those wings from im sure those arent the white angel wings, are they staff wings someone tell me please
  11. okay got it thanks for the quick response.
  12. hello i dont understand why i need to have a pokemon with rock smash and 255 happiness to rock smash the rocks on love island when i literally own the pickaxe...
  13. yes they are there appreciate it have agreat day
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