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Everything posted by Lola

  1. Hello, Several months ago, I had contacted you about my Registeel. Indeed, this one had appeared with his hidden talent. This one being supposed to be "blocked", I asked you if it was possible for you to change it. To that you explained to me that the only solution to change him was to release him, then beat the boss "Nikolas". I finally had the courage to face him tonight. However, this one gave me the opportunity to start the quest again. (Screen for proof). I said that in the past I was able to access "the mysterious island" and captured "Regice" and "Regirock". Would it be possible for this to prevent the reinitialization of Registeel's quest? Could you reset MANUALLY my quest for Registeel? Or simply give me back, with the talent "Clear Body" if the quest can not finally be reset. Thanking you,
  2. Sold insta to Silver288. Thank you to all participants.
  3. C.O : 550k by[uSER=1938928] Allsmell[/uSER] 45h00 left
  4. The auction begins. It will end in 48h00, Thursday, August 22 at 22h50 (Paris time). C.O : 500k by @araragiKun
  5. I sell this epic event pokemon : Start offer : $ 500.000 Minimum bid : $ 50.000 Insta sell : $ 1.500.000 Rules : - Stay polite to each other. - If you submit an offer, you will not be able to cancel it. Think carefully before bidding. - The auction will end 48:00 after the first offer is posted. - In order to avoid "sniper", any offer made in the last 10 minutes will extend the auction by another 10 minutes.
  6. I agree with you. But you have to keep in mind that it's still a beta game. The problems are therefore quite possible. Take your trouble in patience, so go out and take a walk. (In addition it's nice ! :D).
  7. The serveur have lot of mini crash. Not only you. Just be patient, it will be fixe at one moment :).
  8. Do you accept CC ? If yes, how much do you considere for one ? Thanks
  9. Bonjour, Si tu es - semble t-il - si sûr de toi, tu dois aller contacter le support. Si ton anglais est mauvais, tu peux rédiger ton topic en français. Tu attendras plus longtemps, mais tu auras une réponse (en anglais par contre, certainement du moins). Je joue à PRO depuis bientôt 1 an, et je n'ai jamais entendu parler d'un tel "bug". Sans vouloir mettre ta parole en doute, repense bien à tout ce que tu avais fais, avant de contacter le support. Bonne chance dans ta résolution du problème !
  10. Bonjour, Comme je t'ai dis, tu peux perdre beaucoup avec une seule défaite. C'est proportionnel à ton argent total. Si tu avais pas loin de 1-2M, perdre 200.000 ne m'étonnerait guère. Force à toi !
  11. Bonjour, Tu as dû perdre des combats. Perdre un combat te prend (parfois) un pourcentage de ton argent total. J'ai perdu plusieurs centaines de milliers de pokédollars avant d'apprendre la leçon ^_^. Bon courage pour ton farm ! :)
  12. [ATTACH]11920[/ATTACH] Would like start Machoke.
  13. In-Game Name : Lola Discord Tag : Osia#1579 Server : Gold How often do you use Discord ? : Every days What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord ? : To continue as you do. Stay active, kind, and respectful of each other. Basically, keep it up ! :D
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