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Posts posted by Deita

  1. What's your IGN? Deita

    How many hours do you have in PRO? 281 hours

    What is your discord ID? Delta #5204

    How far are you in story? Finished Hoenn. Waiting for a friend to catch up before doing Sinnoh.

    How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) Every day for a few hours.

    Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? Both

    Have you ever been banned in game and why? No

    Why do you want to join Calamity guild? Looking for an active community to contribute to. I have lots of lvl 100+evd pokes that I can add to the shop. I can also provide tips/lenders to newer players.

  2. Hello!

    I recently made a trade and completely forgot about the trade lock, very silly of me! :(

    I traded some pokemon from my main account (deita) to my alt account (deltaftw).

    The pokemon I traded were a Kadabra (so it would evolve) and a torchic (holding my charizard mount).


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