Welcome to better shop, this apply was just made for the french community but we finally decide to open for everyone soon.
- Add pokemon in shop.
- Change statut in sell or outsell for visiblity
- Enter your personal info (discord, ign, ect) for a better contact
- Search option to find fast what pokemon you want General shop to see every poke for sale
- Hooks to Discord "all pokemon add in web sit its push in Discord"
incoming uptade:
-persosnal page -
-Gapart gallery
-Pvp videos
-Direct auctions and more...
Why create this ?
1. quick simple and efficient
2. no need to read 50 pages a day to find your ideal pokemon
3. For eventually inspire an auction house system for pro devs
4. sell at the right place quickly
Staff :
- @orkal Web-Dev
U can visite here
- @Kaminokage Redaction/Support apply Discord /BetterMate League of legends
B 0.1.1
support for Better Shop
Contact me for test discord only