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Everything posted by Allaammoorr

  1. Hello and welcome to my personnal shop, here you will find the trained pokes i don't want anymore and the epics i catch. I usually don't lvl up pokemon for sale i think it's a waste of time i prefer to hunt for more good/epics/shiny so you can expect to see more epics untrained there in the future. some prices are negociable especially if you buy more than 1 poke. 4 pokes purchased = 1 for free of equal or inferior value than the average of the 4 pokes Please visit my Shiny/special shop https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/105185-url contact ig: allammorr contact discord allammorr#1859 [spoiler=lvl 100] 150k 50k 200k 150k 200k 150k 300k 200k 150k 150k 200k hp fire 150k 200k 250k 200k 200k 200k 100k 150k 80k 200k 300k 250k 150k 150k 150k 200k 200k 200k 100k 100k 100k 200k [spoiler=untrained] [spoiler=scyther/scizor (many)] 100k 100k 100k 50k 80k 50k 80k 80k 50k 50k 80k 80k 50k 70k 100k 50k 100k 100k 80k 80k 50k 50k 150k 50k 80k 150k 100k 150k 80k 100k 50k 80k 50k 50k 50k 100k 80k
  2. Pink caterpie pink pidgey shiny pidgey pink rhyorn shiny wingull and pink rattata removed from the shop as they are sold to SharkDow ty very much :)
  3. good luck, you should let more than 2 days to the few players that are able to offer to prepare their offer :)
  4. Ok my bad then^^ ty for info i will try auctions like this then :)
  5. you didn't got exactly what i meant what you said is for example 72h bid +5 min since last offer (i get that there can be a lot of +5 min) what i say is 1st offer that isn't outbided within 24h win, so after start offer there is a 24h cooldown and everytime someone bid the cooldown is reset to 24h until an offer keep the CO for 24h in a row By the way are you doing that rule on your bids already and do you know if it's allowed?
  6. As a similar idea an auction could be made with the rule "bid end after 24h without new offer" instead of "auction end 72h after 1st offer" Right now people are waiting for the end of the auction which isn't fair for the early bidders starting an auction 1m for a pokemon worth 3m makes no sense because outside of telling the seller that you are interested you get nothing out of this bid, you better wait the end of the auction to bid and avoid make the price raise. With the rule "bid end after 24h without new offer" i think it could better converge to what the pokemon is really worth but is it allowed to make a rule like this on a PRO auction?
  7. i give you detailed facts and numbers and this is your answer LMAO, you give nearly no arguments just some "cmon, many ppl here are complainning" don't quote me anymore if you don't have arguments ty really nice idea, it's true that many boss are a pain to reach like the one in valley of steel or erica
  8. selfish? i would be one of the players that benefits the most from this revamp, trust me i'll be ready day 1 for the 4 acc farm if i can get 14m/month just killing boss i do my boss run in a few hours, around 3-4 maybe i don't do them all but doing them all would take less than 8h for sure. let's say it goes up to 10h for 60 boss in hard, it would take 40h every 15 day to clear them all = 2.6h/day, it's not that hard to do, many players have more than 2h time play every day and i think 10h is a lot more than needed for a boss run And even if people don't use 4 acc to farm but just 2 or 3 it's still a lot more cash created than right now because right now it's really hard to setup an account that can challenge all boss there will be easy mode for noobs. i beat all boss without using items with like 8 pokes in total, hard mode should be hard, not just a 1v6 snorlax what i'm trying to say is that i think this boss farm would make many source of farm irrelevant and would make price raise a lot i think that if prices raises it's bad for the game because it ruins the experience of new players if any late game player is able to create millions of cash just by killing boss the inflation could be devastating for the economy a new player wouldn't be able to buy anything until he is able to have access to that farm and many would be discouraged before to reach that point no new players = possible death of the game
  9. Rewards: - 20-40k money rewards might be a nerf for some bosses but a buff overall. it's a insane buff overall IMO with the addition of "no time play requirements anymore" -You currently get around $800.000 for a boss run while it will change to 1,2-2,4m afterwards (as we have around 60 bosses). with 20-40k reward we would get 1.8m in average for entire boss run compared to 800k right now. I think 1.8m every 15 days is way too much, there will be no requirements anymore in time play to challenge boss so it would be really easy to setup a 4 account boss farm (2 email with 2 acc each as allowed in the multi account rules), rush story with a new acc can be done in like 30h, with 4 acc we could farm 14.4 m every month in average i think there would be no other relevant farm if you make boss that much rewarding I think the econnomy could be affected a lot more than expected with this modification Maybe keep the time requirements to prevent multi account farm or reduce the number of boss to keep the 800k for an entire boss run Right now i'm farming only the boss that gives 10k+ cash and i get around 700k for each boss run, it's already the best farm available in the game in my opinion, there is no need to buff boss that much Maybe you plan to make the hard mode really hard but after people figure out how to beat them they won't be that hard anymore, by the way i'm pretty sure my current boss team can clear a hard boss without problems, lvl 100 with 400 ev doesn't seems that hard with dedicated PVE pokemons another solution could be to make boss harder to beat for each win in a row to make sure 100/100 win is impossible at least in hard mode
  10. This boss rework seems really good, i would just change a few things regarding tier 3 rewards and difficulty. I think the difficulty rework is a really good idea because right now some boss are not worth to farm for late game players. - No megas anymore. maybe keep 1 mega for each boss at least in high difficulty, that would be sad if high difficulty is too easy Rewards are split in 3 tiers: Tier 3: 1x Gible Egg, 1x Dratini Egg, 1x Bunnelby Egg, 1x Scyther Egg i prefer the tier 2 rewards unless egg have really high chance of shiny list of rewards should be bigger for tier 3 or different for each boss
  11. gauravrai8961 win the auction with 250k offer pm me in game when you are online (ig contact:allammorr)
  12. i have no idea what the requirements will be for mega but there is no reason to make it ot only
  13. hi, thx for your bid but minimum increase is 50k still co 150k gauravrai8961
  14. Hi i'm interested in koffing and clefable clefable price is fine but koffing is way too much overpriced, it's tier 1 poke and bad nature, worth 50k imo i pay 300k for both if you want
  15. i tried to add you in game but it say you are not online, do you have same pseudo IG and forum
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