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Everything posted by Stereopwnz

  1. Do the e4's pokemon's nature's/ability's change each time you battle them?
  2. I was battling will he sent out his slowbro and I try and use confuse ray but it says it doesn't work, which is strange because the last three battles I had confuse ray worked fine on the slowbro. I'm kinda thinking this is a bug but I'm not sure, it was not under any other status effects or conditions it was freshly sent out and I tried confuse ray 3 times before giving up on trying the move on him anymore.
  3. I'm currently struggling with E4, can't even get past will his mega alakazam one shots my 98 gengar lolz.
  4. Thanks for this! :)
  5. This is an awesome idea! :)
  6. This game is significantly harder than the handhelds.
  7. I think Dungeons would be a great end game activity. Even if it's a solo instance there is so much potential with it. It could even take on the formula of other mmo dungeons that reward an item at the end, with perhaps a chance at an exclusive item such as a medallion or a mount.
  8. I don't believe it's currently in the game.
  9. I prefer dubbed but if the anime is really good I'll watch subbed.
  10. I don't understand why people are defending the grinding aspect of this. Yes other mmo's have grinding elements but the grinding that is succesful are the fun grinding, the grinding where you enjoy grinding, PRO hasn't quite hit that level yet because battling pokemon 20 levels lower than you is not fun grinding. There are so many different ways you can go about adding something to do besides grinding that awards exp, for example contests they could award a small amount of experience just for participating, doesn't have to be much but enough so people who are sick of grinding levels have something extra to do for a while.
  11. Re: [LIVE] MEMBERSHIP GIVEAWAY on Twitch stream TONIGHT! <t>GRatz to everyone who won! :)</t>
  12. 1. In game name: StereopwnZ 2. Hours played: 68 hours (At time of posting) 3. Number of badges acquired: 16 4. Timezone/country: U.S Central time 5. Past Pokemon experience: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Y, OmegaSapphire, (Some pokemon rom hacks) 6. Why do you want to join the guild: Looking for an awesome group of people to hang out with and help if needed.
  13. I agree some of the grinding can be a bit tedious, i don't see why just because a lot of mmo's include grinding that means you should always follow that formula. Grinding can be good in a game if it's fun grinding. Bashing a button on lower level pokemon watching that blue bar slowly crawl forward isn't fun grinding. They could have allowed us easier leveling if they had put other challenges or obstacles in the game, or at the very least give us other ways to earn exp besides beating pokemon 10-20 levels lower than you.
  14. you might be mistaking normal for fairy some normal pokemon such as cleffairy and snubbel use to be normal type but are now fairy type and are immune to dragons.
  15. How the hell did you manage to beat him? I assumed his dragonaire was level 100 or something lol.
  16. I actually like it. It's nice to know if I caught a pokemon as i click on the pokeball and to see if i level after i make my final move. :p
  17. Make sure you have the latest client which you will have to re download from the site if you haven't already done so, before you login there's an option to pick a server.
  18. It took a while and a lot of training and buying a lvl 85 umbreon which I got to 87 and I bought a lvl 98 gengar and i was finally able to take on the elite four and win. The rest of my team was about level 70-75
  19. There really isn't much of a reasonable explanation for the bike really, Hell I'm not sure restricting fly is also reasonable but either way fly is gone mostly so you pay a boatload of money on a subway system to filter out money in the community.
  20. Pls --- Make Pokemon be able to follow us again and everything will be okay <3 Omg I can't even...Lol
  21. 22 here! Almost made it to page 22 as well :p
  22. I hope the new pokemon aren't crazy. I feeel like a lot of new pokemon past generation 4 are kinda ridiculous. Pretty soon we'll be catching chair's and lawn moor's and battling with them... lol I loved that video though, brought back so many memories :p
  23. I believe this would be an amazing idea!
  24. Currently have 74k
  25. Probably around 25+ My level 30ish Sandslash along with my party of high level 20's was able to defeat Lt.Surge.
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