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Everything posted by Gatling

  1. -1
  2. @Th0maszz dm me whenever you're online. Im avaiable for the next 8 hours
  3. u win @Laklakyapma
  4. mega up
  5. 48h Auction c.o 600k by mamaboy min bid 50k time left(https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4540059/skarmory-bulky)
  6. uppp
  7. 72h Auction c.o 1.5m by CrazyMad min bid 100k no insta Time left(https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4537333/hlw-gyarados) accepted payments: pokedollars, iv rr(500k), cc (380k)
  8. congratz my boy @Crazymad
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