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About Yasuo69

  • Birthday June 17

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  1. Yasuo69

    Hi PRO

    I don't understand but is it normal I was checking and I got this msg? I was there in mirage island only 1 time long time ago
  2. Hi I just started to fight Brok I start with whimscoot cotton spore and momento and game disconnected (2 wins) this was my third ? My connection is good 19MBS it happens on PvP to, any help please Thank you
  3. I think it didn't reset at all ? Thanks again I'm just telling the truth boss bugged have a great day
  4. Suicune urahara prof birch and Bruno ready to battle Suicune I did fight him 14 day's ago I'm pretty sure about that one Now he is ready
  5. Yes I'm sure I didn't fight 20 this Monday !! Don't remember exactly but less than 9 the other still in cooldown btw 4 to three days I don't think it reset at all Yasuo69
  6. Hi Yesterday I was trying to fight some bosses and I got this (you already fight 20 boss in a week's wait until Monday to fight again) and today I did 6 or 7 fight bosse and I got the same msg appears which is I already did 20 boss? How That's it and thnx
  7. Thanks so much didn't know about it Good work team
  8. Hi I tried to headbutting a tree it's keep telling me+nothing happened) Any ideas what to do? And I use Pokémon with full happiness Thanks
  9. Hi @Waleed1301 I already finished all the quest and I got the mega salamander stone but there is no wings ? I can't find those Pokemon (Altaria..) ? What should I do thnx
  10. Yep thank you so much but to finish that to the elite four it took like for ever xD compared to The other's now I'm on sinnoh quest thnx and have a great day
  11. Hi please I need your help I just arrived to Hoenn I got a torshic I raised him to lvl 12 then instead to go to the next level he fall to level 5 what is this Bugs please help me u can check the history please and it happened again now I teach him a move (Rock Smash) now he is level 5 I can't leveling up only torshic help me please Ok that was my first report no one replied and now Two days ago I reported an issue about my torchic in hoenn when he goes to level 20 or more automatically downgrade to level 5 !!! Over and over and over but when I select other pokemon as the first one and enter a building the old level 20 torchic replace him -_-' so now I have 5 torchic each one of them different level lol and I can't do anything about it... And it keeps the same as I enter any building replacing one by one ... Unplayable I can't even defeat third gym please find a solution
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