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  1. WTB electrode mount, shiny or not is the same
  2. If you could improve one facet of the event, what would it be? As soon as i remember the event had the same positive/negative aspects of any other past event. So overall is balanced and i wouldn't change much in term of rewards. The only thing, maybe, is that the event is much focused on the easter tokens, and that may be boring in the long time. What was your favorite part of the event? Like any other event, the best part, the one that will remain the most even in future, is for sure the one related to the rare skin pokemon hunt. Is the more worth in term of money and time for me. Farming event tokens is good, nothing to say (still free stuff), but not as much as hunting. What was your least favorite part of the event? The fact that the event is overstanding. It will decrease the market value of unique event pokemons. I prefer 2 event of 1 week each more than 1 lasting 2 weeks. What can we do to make the event better for next year? Probably doing the same event, maybe changing the pokemon that can be obtained. That makes them unique for every year, and would keep also their value. Were any parts of the event (or the whole thing) so terrible that we should delete them and forget they were ever added? I'm not enjoying the duration, other stuff were good overall. I appreciated the little cup battles, even if they are kinda boring since you have to recatch pokemon at reset, and also the fact that you can't use pc in breezy falls, so is not an area much suitable for grinding or farming of a specific pokemon.
  3. Thank you very much, Very Appreciated!
  4. Hello, due to the recent servers crashes, i was wondering if it is possible to create a new account and use it as storage, for example to keep my money and avoid potential loss If it is, i know that may sound a stupid question, but is it possible to have both account logged at the same time from the same pc to make trade? Thanks in advance, Regards
  5. Is there anything where i can look for a preview of the 6 togepi mounts you can get with easter tokens?
  6. Hello, i'm looking for those 2 pokemon: Bold Rotom (not from Sinnoh because i still have to play that part) Moxie Ada Honchkrow (hidden ability) I'm not looking for perfect stats, i just want them for a "cheap" price since i need to test some strats for pve boss. Also i can trade CC if needed. My name in game is YoungTavolino, but if you are interested in selling one of them feel free to reply to this thread so we can accord here as well. Thanks for your attention, Best Regards
  7. Oh, my bad, didnt' notice the date on the post.
  8. I want to start on Slowbro, Serperior and Weavile In-Game-Name: YoungTavolino
  9. 300 here
  10. 800k IG: YoungTavolino
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