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Everything posted by Zea

  1. This being added is nice since it removed the inconvenience of having to write q / g within the guild channel ingame whenever you go and do a match , however it only works for Ranked PvP Matches , so i’d like to suggest that it should work for randoms as well as there’s no point of a player taking away his/her guildmate’s ratings , as it doesn’t increase the entirety of the guilds ratings ( it will remove the inconvenience of to keep sending draw request to guildmates )
  2. 300k hera
  3. 220k hera
  4. Zea ball Chasm ball Mantle ball Horizon ball reward from doing sinnoh underground successfully
  5. 20.5m
  6. Start
  7. 800k
  8. Wtb the following epic pokemons : infernape - jolly / naive / hasty medicham - adamant / jolly ( prefer max speed ) gliscor - jolly ( poison heal ) rotom - calm / bold / , timid / modest ( hp ice , hp fire , hp fighting , hp grass ) beheeyem - quiet ( hp fighting , analytic ) slurpuff - jolly / timid / modest ( unburden ) lopunny - adamant / jolly scizor - impish / careful / adamant / jolly excadrill - jolly ( mold breaker ) dragonite - adamant ( multiscale ) venusaur - modest ( hp fire ) azumarill - adamant / jolly ( hugepower ) , bold/calm ( sapsipper ) volcarona - timid / modest / bold ( hp ice , hp ground , hp fighting ) All godly garchomp ( rough skin ) Mamoswine - jolly / adamant / naive / hasty ( oblivious & thickfat , prefer godly max speed ) Magnezone - modest ( sturdy hp ice ) , timid / modest ( hp ground ) manectric - timid ( hp grass , hp fighting ) Bronzong - relaxed / sassy ( levitate ) conkeldurr - adamant ( guts ) Heracross - jolly ( guts & moxie ) Beedrill - ada / jolly jellicent - bold / calm ( water absorb ) houndoom - timid ( flashfire , hp electric )
  9. 2,650,000
  10. 2,550,000
  11. 2.4m :3
  12. 13m
  13. 5.2m magnezone
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