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Everything posted by Sihandrail

  1. Hallo! Aktuell suchen wir wieder 5-6 neue Member. Anfragen bitte an: - nonamenpproblem - Paonel - schalterino - Saittham - Lycidas - Sihandrail
  2. 60 for 1,6m (nice for resell)
  3. froakie will be EV trained and gets lvl 100 and sold again here!
  4. i'm sry but i think this is wrong way... u will only boost players who play this game allready longer... so new guilds players will have a harder time.. (older guilds and higher ranked = player who play longer) In any other game u can imagine its the other way... u want new players give the change to catch up... So why not helping new Guilds to catch up a bit faster. My Guild is new.. and the Problemes here are Prices from pokes, rules of PVP and anything like this.. So why not give Guilds anything to help here out... and maybe anything to catch up to the "pro" players in here... Guilder ladders; Give the guilds that reached 1st-3rd place trophies near their guild logo in-game (Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies) for the next season. This is a good idea... Its something everyone can see but not benefit from it Connect your main with your secondary guild, so both guilds have EXP boost if you were on guild ladders. They still count as different guilds on guild ladder. How many Guild are out there? I think not sooo much... Does the Servers really have secondary Guilds? I was thinking about making one too... but it would be meaningless if they are not really connectet beause its still a other guild... (but how many guild really benefit from this? 2-3 maybe?) The best idea i have right now is making some kind of Guild Dungon with Guild only pokes but for ALL Guilds so Guilds will be more attractive for everyone.. And when players really join them PVP will come from the Guildtalks allone... (If the Guild is active)
  5. start 2M min increase 100k end on saturday 20:00 gmt+1 - Only offer if you are really willing to wait for the end of it(no cancel bid after you offered unless i accept for that) - Fake offers will be reported - I reserve the right to cancel the sale i maybe add a buyout later!!!
  6. Ich bin gerade nicht online... (noch unterwegs) Wir wollen mindestens 80+ Member um die 7,5% extra EP sicherzustellen! Ich melde mich hier wenn wir langsam voll werden! Aber bisher haben wir noch Platz!
  7. Einige Invites wurden schon verschickt! Ihr müsst für die Invites jedoch online sein! Wir sind meistens zwischen 17-24 Uhr online. Solltet Ihr heute Abend keinen Invite bekommen, meldet euch bitte bei einem der Offis! PS: Wir haben nun 50 Member erreicht :D! Ein Discord Channel wurde eingerichtet befindet sich aber noch im Aufbau. (Wir möchten dort wichtige Guides usw Verlinken!)
  8. yes :/ but it can still be used,,, Price lowered
  9. gerne :D ist noch nicht so viel los da wir noch am Anfang sind aber das kommt jetzt nach und nach! Meld dich einfach bei einem der Offis oder bei mir. Wir Arbeiten alle aber Nachmittags bzw Abends sind wir immer on!
  10. Insta 500k or trade for a good pvp ready togekiss
  11. Hallo, Unsere neu gegründete Gilde "Slowbros" sucht neue Mitglieder. Wir nehmen derzeit jeden auf egal ob Anfänger oder Profi... Ihr könnt euch gerne ingame melden falls Interesse besteht oder bei einem der Offiziere: Lycidas, Saittham, Paonel, nonamenoproblem, schalterino oder Sihandrail. Wir möchten eine freundliche sich gegenseitig unterstützende Community gestalten.
  12. just offer... i sell on saturday to highest offer
  13. It's a shiny Day on the Beach. Sihandrail and her Pokemons are going to the water for nice refreshing :D Sihandrail:” gooo Goldeen it's your Turn now have fun at the Beach and do whatever u want!” Sihandrail goes to the Sun Chairs for a tiny nap. While Goldeen was swimming around she sees a Magikarp alone... “Hello Magikarp you look so alone wanna hang out with me a bit ;) we could swim around a bit... but don't be to fast I'm a bit slow... “ Magikarp and Goldeen swims together a bit until they see a Boat with 2 Persons and a Human speaking Meowth catching some Pokemons... Magikarp:”let's get away from here!” But it was too late.... Goldeen was really slow and got caught... Goldeen:” Heeeelp!” She was trapped in a fishing net. Magiparp used Splash against them but Meowth attacked Back. “Stop this” is Margipark shouting, but they don't stop... In the fight Meowth hits Magikarp and Goldeen shoutet:” get help Margikarp u cant do this alone! " Magikarp looks around but the Pokemons gets all catched in the Net from the 2 Humans... On the Beach a lot of Trainers stand up to help their Pokemons... but its to late for the most... while Magipark was looking to the Beach he got another hit from Meowth and got pulled into the Boat... The Male Human looked at it... “Look it's a Magikarp what a looser Pokemon" The Female Human look at Magikarp and say:” throw it back the Boss don't want useless Pokemons like this one" Magikarp sees how Goldeen gets from the fishing Net into a Bag "Heeeeeeeelp" and Magikarp goes for a Tackle! He Hits the Male, and he landed right in the Nets next to him. Meowth tried to attack again but Magikarp used Splash to get away! Back in the water Magipark used Flail to destroy the Boat and all the catched Pokemons get free! Everyone looks to Margikarp... "Lets end this our new Friend" All Pokemons Together! Some Big shoots got Fired and the 2 Humans and Meowth flying away! All Pokemons surrounded Magikarp "You are a real Hero lets be Friend" And Goldeen swims next to him for a nice Kiss!
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