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Everything posted by Kawaiieevee777

  1. Auction For XMAS Xatu Neutral Nature/ Ability Early Bird EV Trained and 5 23+ IVs XMAS Xatu S.O 200k 48 Hours From 1st Bid & 15 Minute Rule Applied Bids are 100k Insta: 2M Have Fun n_n/
  2. Ahh that's what bump means good to know cx also I closed the other one so it doesn't come up again
  3. Auction For Snorlax And Munchlax Max Atk Adamant EV Trained Munchlax & Snorlax 6 Epic IVs 26+ EV Trained has Curse 48 Hour Starts From 1st Bid 15 Minute Rule Applies here Munchlax S.O 300k Snorlax S.O 200k Bid Amount: 100k Insta: Munchlax 2M, Snorlax 1M Good Luck n_n
  4. Heyy theree Wanna Help Mee With myy Pokemon List n_n here is my Event Listy wtb trashy hw eevee/glaceon/sylveon 1.5m wtb trashy xmas deino/spiritomb/ralts/phantump 1.5m wtb trashy vday eevee/dratini/glaceon/sylveon/alolan vulpix 1.5m Wtb Pink Clothes Winter Eevee 1.5m I'm Also Trying to Buy a Trashy Shiny Eevee/Porygon or Porygon2 soo if you have them Let me Know and I'll add you and get back to You After I Get the Poke Money if I like your Offer Thankss ^.^/
  5. Heyy theree Wanna Help Mee With myy Pokemon List n_n here is my Event Listy wtb trashy hw eevee/glaceon/sylveon 1.5m wtb trashy xmas deino/spiritomb/ralts/phantump 1.5m wtb trashy vday eevee/dratini/glaceon/sylveon/alolan vulpix 1.5m Wtb Pink Clothes Winter Eevee 1.5m I'm Also Trying to Buy a Trashy Shiny Eevee/Porygon or Porygon2 soo if you have them Let me Know and I'll add you and get back to You After I Get the Poke Money if I like your Offer Thankss ^.^/
  6. Ignore this one
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