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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. 5m, will transfer from silver
  2. 6969696 Will transfer if win
  3. S.o 300k Min bid 100k 72h after first bid made Insta 1.1m Take cc 400k, iv/nat rr 500k/250k Discord Nigujugi#7638
  4. Username: Kitsune9 server to to charge the money from: silver Main Server to transfer: From silver to gold
  5. Username: Kitsune9 server to to charge the money from: silver Main Server to transfer: From silver to gold
  6. NAME CHANGE Username: Kitsune9 New Username: SSG Server to charge the money from: Silver
  7. ign: HarutyaChan Server: Silver help, I need to delevel these two at lv99
  8. The guy u trade didn't finish the region of your poke. So it locked there until he/she unlock the region
  9. I'll start skarmory at 8m if u accept my payment after server transfer. Cuz my main in silver
  10. I'm buying 2 shiny krabby careful/sassy with shell armor ability
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