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Everything posted by Justlegend

  1. Shop is closed for offers ...
  2. It was sold earlier...
  3. hey, you are only person who did't respond... can you pls send me PM here or on discord? If i don't get answer in 1-2 days i will sell poke to other person.
  4. Optimism#9398 @@Cookie33 @xShana @KanapkaZserem
  5. PM me in game pls
  6. Hey PM me in game..
  7. RN and will be here for next 1-2 hours
  8. Hey, only litwick is NOT available. And about others, price is below, not above screenshot..
  9. yes it is
  10. PM me in game
  11. Scy is not available... Aero is
  12. Pm me in game
  13. 2m starly only
  14. Open for bids!
  15. Guys u can bid if you are still interested.
  16. I tried to reach you several times, but you were off.. Here is my discordtag Optimism#9398 .
  17. PM me, you got it.
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