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Everything posted by Justlegend

  1. Closing in 2 days
  3. bump
  4. Hello everyone! Recently I got this idea - to find out is it worth using repel trick to hunt gible and beldum (these 2 mons because, as we all know summer event is out, and repel trick is available for them). I will share results of this small research, but keep in mind I am here to help You to understand for Yourself , and not tell You directly YES or NO . I have spent 1000 super repels on both places. First 3 spreadsheets are my results, last spreadsheet - reults from @06ottoman94 . Special thanks to him! There is such thing as RNG or "luck" as some people call it ... If you look you can see sometimes i get way more "lucky" with 100 repels than in other cases. Few more details - I've invested in this research 1m (2k super repels) + 270k (300 ultra balls) ; time to spend 1 super repel = ~27 seconds (if no encounter), this means I've spent at least 54000 seconds (15 hours) + time to catch every mon. I've decided to test beldum spawn first , and let's take a look at results : Beldum - max amount of beldums /100 repels = 10 - avg(average) repels per beldum =~15 - ultra balls per beldum =~5,5 ( I haven't include this info in form of spreadsheet, sorry about that) Beldum hunt conclusion : In order not to loose any money , or even gain profit I will need to sell each beldum for at least 14,7k Pd (15x500 (super repel price) + 6x1200 (ultra ball price)). Gible (I decided to keep track of few additional things such as % of successful syncs and % of h.a. gibles WITH BLK Medalion) - max amount of gibles /100 repels = 13 - avg repels per gible ~17 - % of successfully synced gibles ~61% - % of h.a. gibles (with bms) ~30,5% - pokeballs required to catch gible 1-4 (I will make it avg 2, just to simplify calculation) Gible hunt conclusion : If I don't want to loose any money, I will need to sell each gible for at least 8900Pd (17x500 + 2x200) Now let's take a look at info from 06ottoman94 - from his results u can see he need way less repels to encounter gible (~11,5) but his sync rates are lower (41%) and % of h.a. gibles is also lower (23,5%) (yes, he also have his bms active). From this info conclusion I can make is - 06ottoman94 needs to sell each gible for at least 6400k. Other thoughts : - If You can afford buying repels you definitely should do this because repel trick maximizes Your chance to encounter special form of gible or beldum (summer or even shiny). - If You do excavations and dig this is great way to cover part of Your losses, or not if You make profit ... - I was enjoying while doing this research and I will definitely do more in the future. If You see mistake in my calculations - let me know about it down in comments. I hope this info was useful, good luck and bye!
  5. @BEMADMAN won, auction is over.
  6. last 10 minutes
  7. last 30 minutes!
  8. bump
  9. 3h 30 mins left
  10. Don't worry guys, once staff come I will give gengar to @DeIta
  11. 21 hours 30 mins left
  12. bumping
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