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Posts posted by Vithu96

  1. On 4/15/2023 at 8:47 PM, Chickenattaaack said:

    Greetings gentlemen.
    I'm just a player from somewhere, I had to quit sometime ago and when I came back I sadly discovered that my only friend in game had stopped playing forever.
    His name was Jinzoooo, we played for a decent ammount of time together and almost talked everyday for different months, sadly I had to stop playing for a while and at my return I dsicovered that he was gone... He gifted all his pokémons to some of his friends and he just went away forever...
    I remember I once asked him for his Discord nickname and he refused saying he prefered not to, I respected his decision and not wanting to look like a friendless loser (shoutout to every friendless loser like me, we stand strong together remember that!) and make him feel bad for refusing, I didnt insinst.
    I now kinda regret it, I'm serious when I say that 1 month ago I relogged after stopping playing for 3 months, I was sad and felt bad to notice that he was not anymore in my friendlist... It's my bad tho I regret that I didnt find the time to log at least once a week just to say "hi"...
    I'm not even exagerating when I say that I would play this game only for have an excuse to talk to him...
    I feel kinda sad I wasn't there when he waved goodbye, and I'm just sorry... 

    I don't believe he will ever read this but, hey man, thanks for the good times, thank for help me out in game, and thanks for those hours and hours of chatting. I hope you will find happiness, I believe you are a really good person and trust me for someone like me who has always doubts on trusting people, it's a real compliment even if doesn't sounds like it.

    I just wanted to say it, and to you people which are reading this message and still playing with friends exc. I'm jealous of you... I still wanna tho tell you one thing: enjoy it my boiz coz one day everything will be over, you won't even notice, you will think you will log like everyday, talk to the same people, do your daily ingame routine... but one day will be the last day that you will talk with one fella of yours and you won't even know it...
    I just wanted to write it coz I felt like it...
    I hope one day I'll log and find my pal once again online greeting me with one of his "Hey Chickenwings" "Hey fried Chicky"... IK I sound delusional but better be delusional but with hope than sad and hopeless ig...


    Bro I literally understand how you feel, I was good friend with Jinzoo too I cameback 2 days ago to catch up with him and found out he stopped pro. Shame he was a nice guy. If you read this Jinzo pm me (it's Haskell).

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Smokincatcher said:



    We all were expecting that event, tho when we discovered the rotom spawn we all were disappointed, its barely farmable, not even a t1 with a form for at least making us getting few pve coins for compensation 😕 im one of the biggest farmers in pro im always ready to spend a whole month or 2+ on a mon, but how we are supposed to keep motivation for that here? farming already pretty boring for most

    Getting 1 of the mon you hunt every 1,2,3 hours is simply taking us for fools, who's the sadist person who did that rotom spawn? making those kind fo spots when walross telling the opposite will just make people rage and eventually leave the game.




    how can someone who barely play the game could know whats the best for us, keeping few mons pretty rare ok, but here we already had safari events with very good spots for rotoms, economy already much lowered about it, and now we getting one of the worst ever just because he have a form, in my opinion someone who spend the WHOLE event on one rare mon should get the form of it, here im pretty sure some will not get it no matter how hard they try, not everyone are able to farm hundreds of hours during an event.


    for sure im dumb not using pro better farm and being able to show it properly, tho i hope some will follow on this post with numbers cause something need to be done

    Completely agree with the points smoking made.

  3. On 8/18/2021 at 7:27 AM, Ratedbeast said:

    +1 Of course

    Regarding the reward system, I think pattern for Ranked ladder reward system would be better. Normally Ranked ladder players are rewarded according to their rank. Like 1st Place are rewarded with 600 PvP coins, 2nd with 595 PvP coins and so on. But in case of Random ladder, we can do like, 1st Place shall be rewarded with 600 PvE coins, 2nd with 595 PvE and so on. I think this rewarding system should be fine. 



    No I am against this idea , as random battles have nothing to do with pve.

  4. Hello,

    I was thinking about some other ways that players could spend their artifact points. One of my ideas that came to mind was excavation themed costumes/cosmetics. The first idea that I had along those lines was the HG/SS pokemaniac trainer costume. (https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:Spr_HGSS_Poké_Maniac.png)

    Other ideas could be: kabuto/omanyte hat, tyrantum/bastadon mounts.


    +1 I got nothing to do with my excavation points those days as I have unlocked everything, great idea !

  5. so dumb change , now you have to do 20 bosses if you do less you mess up your cooldowns over all dumb change , jsut rever it , Example i did 15 bosses now i have to do 5 more but im to lazy or dont have time do log in and play so the next time lets say 4-5 days later i do the rest 5 , after that i can only do 15 again and wait 4-5 days to do 5 more again and so , this messes up the cd so much i need to track those cd on my own , the 1 coin just make up for the trash bosses we couldnt battle thx to the changes . so over all we dont lose money but its so annyoing change have to track now another cd and makes me wanna play less. logging for 5 or less bosses .Sometime i you dont have much time and and other days you have more time and this restriction of 20 bosses messes with that too.


    I agree it really putted a lot of players of playing pro, but there is nothing we can do about it as staff is determined to not bring it back to 40.:OshaWAT:

  6. First of all, I was kinda mad when posting this but I really don't mean to offend anyone, especially PvE players. I understand ppl can like whatever they like but between PvE and PvP players, we should be treated equally. And I made this because this game is completely ruined PvP players experience. The fact that there are so many good PvP players left this game just because this isn't the right community for them and the fact that almost every staff members or players are PvE players who never PvP or take it seriously. I don't deny that this game itself have been so successful because of the heavily PvE aspect from the game. I don't want you to change what you have been success on, I want you to have a different look from PvP players perspectives and to improve. And what you left behind is a whole community whom can't even argue about anything pvp related. Ppl only say what is more suitable for them or what they like the most and then we have PRO PvP community:

    - "You idiot, please following smogon rules"

    - "PRO sucks, ladder are full of stall"

    - "Plz unban blaziken it's my favourite pokemon"

    You realized that no matter which changes coming to PvP, people always complain about it for no reason because the amount of players who taking PvP seriously are getting lower and lower. This is just completely how PRO works because this game is way in favour for PvE players.


    +So, are you a new PvP player to PRO, Welcome to the game where you spending years just to catch a legendary pokemon you want.


    +You want legendary for PvP? sure, you only need 1 year of lifetime and 300 evolve for it, after that only need to own every single pokemon in this game and be a champion in every regions. And then after you caught it, let's spend just one more years to do PvE quest and got your free reroll ticket to reroll it. You Sure gonna enjoy making it pvp ready and start your PvP conquest.


    When do you start realize that Evos, hours or dex requirements are so stupid and super bored (I dont really mind if it is just a long quest but those requirements are suck) And new players will never have chance to bring it on PvP before they are able to enjoy this game. You want it to be special and people have to work their a*ss off to have it just because some 5 y/o kid who only watch anime and think legendary pokemon are cool?

    Then PvE player whom able to get thing like latios, latias are actually players that never PvP or do that for fun, cuz they only enjoying PvE. PvP players are the one who need it but they can't really get it because they hate PvE even when they are PvP 24/7.


    To all those PvE players who still think Evos, hours and dex requirements are needed then how about we change that to PvP requirements instead. To be able to catch latios, you need to be top 10 on ladder at the end of season. To be able to catch mew, you need 400+ rating. To be able to catch jirachi, you only need 1000 wins and 100 hours spent on ranked ladder. definitely sound more fair to me and I thought you are the one who love grinding?


    And one more reason I made this post is because I'm a selfish and I can't change my fking Landorus form just because of a stupid idea to put the NPC on 3k+ points requirement site and I rarely did excavation site before. You ask people to do all the quest to catch it and then you put the fking form changer NPC on that site just to sh*t on players who never PvE???


    And I know thing like this gonna keep happening in the future. So can you please give us some reasonable requirements on things that impact PVP so both PvE and PvP players can really enjoy it?


    I am a pvp player and it took me 2 days to get from 80 to 300 evolutions, it's not hard at al I know many players that have done around the same time some even faster.

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  7. I agree that wings should be available from newcommers as a pvpshop item, however not all since that's something that for some prove that they are oldschool players, but some of the other ones that are currently unobtainable, yes.


    They could even add new wings for pvp shop only as they don't have any wings at all , which I find quite sad.

  8. Wings are supposed to be from winning something iirc, you can get some wings in bug catching and others from coin shop, I believe giratina wings were obtainable for something, though the legendary bird ones I could see as being added


    They were all free in past events, I got most of them just looking to get some more as I have nothing to grind from pvp shop anymore.

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