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Posts posted by Vithu96

  1. I wont even waste a single second reading this, sinceit comed from the guy that says: Volcarona is a rain sweeper ^o anyway. knew many wouldnt agree. and ok. i get it, many dont like it. all i wanted was simple: shouldnt have ever changed from gen6 to gen7 when we lacked so many things, gen6 was incomplete, which made this gen7 super incomplete. all im saying. But bring the hammer and hit me with it for sharing an opinion that u guys dont share ^^



  2. Hi I created my guild , and me and my sister took a couple of hours to draw a nice logo and it said it will update it. I clicked on the npc my logo is gone and nobody including me can't see the logo we made. Is there anything we can do to recover the logo?


  3. Hello @Ltian6


    I TOTALLY DISAGREE with you.


    First : Hours requirments were higher and higher in the past. Staff already reduced them a lot of time.


    Second : When i was a new player in 2015 ; playing a lot for catching these legendaries pokes was a nice thing. "Oh yes i FINALLY have the requirment it's so nice :D"

    It gives people a desire to play the game more in my opinion ; it gives some objectifs ; some progression.

    You unlock them in a order ; you progress in the game ; step by step ; first Mew ; then Celebi ....Seeing a progression when you play a game is an important thing.


    Last thing: Legendaries pokemons is (or at least WAS) something for the "End Game" ; something which should be a bit hard to have ; not a gift. Latios is not a Rattata. If everything is easy ; people will finish the game in 100 hours and then leave it imo.



    For your last question : There will probably be a new region this year but there is no more informations about a date.


    Have a nice day :RowletHeart:



  4. Hello my Lucario had learned nasty plot when it was a Riolu, when I changed the move for a boss I tried to teach him nasty plot again via egg move and move learner and it is not showing nasty plot option. Can you please help me and tell me how I can teach my Lucario nasty plot?

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