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Posts posted by Vithu96

  1. I think reroll for shinies, no matter how, is a terrible idea.


    To my mind, rerolls were introduced to make legendaries usable for everyone, because everyone just has this one shot at every legendary, and if they end up with a bad one (like a brave Manaphy), they can never seriously use this Pokemon competitively. To prevent this from happening, rerolls were brought into the game, so that everybody basically has a change to get a kick-[butt] version of EVERY POKEMON in the game. So, how on earth does anyone come up with the idea to reroll shinies? Seriously, how? I don't get it.


    I really regret that a lot of players get so greedy.. I mean, rerolls by themselves are a pretty great thing to have, we should be happy we can customize our legendaries like that.


    Totally agree.


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  3. How would it be good for the economy lol, it would ruin shiny prices. Unless you want a broken economy in that case i can see why you said its good.


    Agreed each shiny is unique and many shiny hunters enjoy grinding until they find the perfect shiny. The scrolls will just ruin the shiny price and the achievement of owning one good shiny. People are trying to make the game easier than it is already.

  4. Greetings, @Vithu96

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    To reroll the iv's of kyurem you dont have to click on the reroll, you have to talk with the mentalist in Vermilion city, is a NPC what makes reroll the iv's of your legendary pokemons or change the nature if you have a nature reroll.


    I hope you have clarified your doubts.

    Have a great day,



    I have thank you, have a good Christmas!

  5. I will explain to you how to reroll your Legendary Pokemon.


    But first, there is 2 kind of Reroll Ticket. One is called ''Reroll Nature'' and the other is called ''Reroll Ticket''.

    Reroll Nature is to change the nature of your legendary Pokemon and you can pick the new nature you want in the process.

    Reroll Ticket, Often named IVs Reroll ticket is used to reroll your Pokemon IVs.


    Reroll ticket (for IVs) can be traded to a NPC in Vermillon in order to get Two Nature rerolls.

    You can also use two rerolls nature to get one Reroll Ticket (IVs).

    I dont know what you wanted to reroll, but if you plan on rerolling your legendary nature, you'll need to trade your Reroll Ticket to the grunt in Vermillon.


    Ok now, to Reroll your Legendary Pokemon Nature or IVs, you will need to talk to Psychic Marina in Vermillon.

    You need to have your legendary in your team, as well as the Ticket needed to reroll your Pokemon..

    She will ask you questions and you just have to choose if you want to reroll nature or individuals value (IVs).

    You will see, it is very easy to do.


    Hope this helped, good game and merry christmas. =3

    Thank you and merry Christmas <3

  6. Yes pls, but also give us time to hunt then. I asked this question like 2 weeks ago but didnt got a answer yet.


    I mean we don't really need more time I think someone said xmas event ends on the 6th (not sure). We just need an answer from staff, because they implemented a new hide and seek quest that gives 40 its a day, with underground it's pretty easy to reach the 500 its in a short time.

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