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Everything posted by Error404ll

  1. Ready!! they already took me out !! Thank you so much for everything!!
  2. oh sorry do you wanna do it right now?
  3. I'm still stuck in the same place My username is Error4O4, with O and not 0.
  4. I already tried, struggled and lost or disconnected but nothing .. that's why I have resorted to the u.u forum
  5. hello good night .. no, I'm still trapped there: /
  6. Hello good afternoon, for wanting to save 5k, I tried to log in again having a battle with a wild poke in Vermilion and thus return to the new event map, but when I restart the game I appear in the Vermilion water outside the playable map, without the possibility of moving no way, I hope you can help me, thank you very much. Server: Gold Usser: Error4O4
  7. Hola buenas tardes, por querer ahorrarme 5k, intenté reloguear teniendo una batalla con un poke salvaje en Vermilion y volver así al nuevo mapa del evento, pero al volver a iniciar el juego aparezco en el agua de Vermilion fuera del mapa jugable, sin la posiblidad de moverme de alguna forma, espero puedan ayudarme, muchas gracias. Usuario: Error4O4 Servidor: Gold
  8. Good evening, I wanted to ask you if you could remove 2 lvl from my gible, it's from gold server, leave it at lvl 98 :(
  9. Good evening, I want to recover my garchomp which I deleted by mistake. ID: 34759657 Server: Gold
  10. thank you very very much!! francys will be very happy !!
  11. Good afternoon, the reason for the post is to request a favor .. inside the players there is a girl with autism, she does not understand the English language and left the area where darkrai is captured, which she can no longer re-enter .. now the favor I wanted to ask you is to activate the area again and I will explain to her what you should do inside .. or if that is not possible, transfer my darkrai to her, I have no problem losing it by such a reason, thank you very much .. the character of the girl is Francyscadj
  12. Yes bro, thanks <3
  13. good afternoon ... I try to give up the guild leadership, but the common options seem to me, is there a solution?
  14. I need help, I delete my mew by mistake Is server gold
  15. Good night, I have a problem with the transfer of leadership in the guild .. I am the leader of a guild and I want another person to be a leader, when I click on it, I do not have the option to give the leadership
  16. yes!!! thank you!!
  17. perfect!! thank you :D
  18. Hello, I would be needing some kind of instruction .. I killed uxie a while ago, a few minutes ago I beat the nikola boss, I went to look for uxie but he says he is sleeping ... we have to wait a while or something?
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