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Everything posted by Dragon55555

  1. Nope It was before you started the auction I just didn't know How to close an auction.....
  2. Really Sorry Already sold for 6m Forgot to close the Post Sorry
  3. Wts Epic 31/31 Swampert Sold in game for 6m
  4. How old are you? I am 18 Why would you like to join Trinity? I am a Novice pvper and am always ready to learn and improve. What is the highest rating you've ever got? Around 100. How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now? 800+ Hours and 1-2 Hours /day. What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? I can Ev train mons for the guild and help people. What is your Discord ID? Dragon55555#1406
  5. Hello @M3ru3m . The way I said I changed my password and it worked. I was able to login. Thanks a lot for the help.
  6. Hello @M3ru3m . I tried again many times to login with Badkarma123 but still I was unable to login. I wish you can resolve this soon.
  7. Is anyone going to help me or not? I am going to shift to my other acc soon so I need to be able to use forums of that acc.
  8. I got to sinnoh somehow. Just after a while it was proper and I finished sinnoh story yesterday but still I'm unable to login through my second account
  9. Is anyone going to reply? I want this problem to be resolved as soon as possible.
  10. i am facing 2 main problems. My other account is BadKarma123 and whenever i try to login in forum with that account it says that such account doesnt exist. And through that BadKarma123 account i am unable to proceed to sinnoh, the alakazam in lilycove harbor says that there is a problem and please report to staff members. i have attached a screenshot of it. Please find a solution to it as soon as possible.
  11. im rlly sry but i wanna take my bid back i hope u forgive me. thank you
  12. even excadrill is ok
  13. epic jolly ha drilbur spd 31 atk 25+ budget 1.1m
  14. hello i am facing the worst problem my money is vanishing right infront of my eyes. i originally had 500k but now just standing around it reduced to 389k. i hope someone can help me fast. i have a video recorded but i dont know how to attach the video, pls help me fast
  15. I hope u wanna buy
  16. I have good gliscor
  17. Timid serene grace max spd ivs rest atleast 15+ ivs pay well
  18. Yeah those are mine. Thank You .
  19. Can u check the trade history? I gave 2 happinies to lv service and when i open today i see that the person has unfriend me So could u check?
  20. Yep ,It did solve my problem THank You a lot..
  21. Whenever i go to another route ,the screen becomes black and the character does not move. I don't know how to send the screenshot. But can u pls solve this problem?
  22. Start bold confragius-300k
  23. This one is kinda good tell me if u want
  24. I have 1 kabutops and 1 kabuto the kabutops is ada/swift swim with almost all 25 ivs above and the kabuto is modest/swift swim with all 20 ivs above choose which one u want
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