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Everything posted by Radovid10

  1. Hi there I was hunting Snivy at Forrest Pit I encounter 10 Tepig and 8 Larvitar but none Snivy. Looks weird
  2. Wtb snivy Evos HP fire h. A Budget 2 to 4m Ty
  3. S. O 1k Min bid 1k 24 hrs duration
  4. 500k shuckle
  5. Ty all sold closed
  6. Yash4shree wins both ty all Pm me when u avaliable to trade
  7. 7hrs left Dnite c. o500k Clef c. o200k
  8. Start shuckle
  9. Nhokpies wins and the auction 1.350m is now over with in the rules. I'm very sorry for my thunder wave at the end of the auction. Pm when u wanna trade
  10. Since nhokpies wrote the info and bid in the extra 15 min he's the c. o To call the auction o was my fault. Still going 4 min
  11. Yeah u r right sry for that
  12. Ty all exzay wins with 1.3m Just pm here or in game when to trade
  13. 9hrs left C. O 1.1m
  14. S. O each poke is 100k Min bid 50k 24 hrs duration Gl
  15. Kasperkato wtb your clef 300k
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