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  1. Hi! Yes, the Clamperl gave me back all my items and I could get out of there now, thank you very much!
  2. I was doing the Blaziken Mega Evolution at Cursed Keystone Grotto a year ago, then I qui while I had 2 tries left inside the Spiritomb. A year later, I logged back in, canceled the quest but couldn't get out of Cursed Keystone Grotto. I had 2 pokemons that could use surf, but it said "System: You need to own HM03 - Surf to use this Mount" in the chat box, and the Mantine only said "Mantine!" whenever I intereacted with it, it didn't let me go back like it's supposed to. What do I do now?
  3. Nope, did not work. I tried redownload the client on mediafire multiple times but did not work. Is there anything else i can do?
  4. I just downloaded PRO on my android phone yesterday and for some reasons, i cant use the backpack or any icon in the bottom left corner except for social. So far, i have tried restart the app, fix the gui, hide the notch (recommended by Bhimoso, a discord moderator) but nothing has worked. He said it's a known bug and i can get my help here. Please help, thanks. P/s: My phone is a Oneplus phone, Android version 9, if those info are necessary
  5. Just encountered this today, don't know if it happens to everyone or not, the animation of surf move becomes blur
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