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Everything posted by Arubberduckey

  1. With no disrespect to you, 100 hours really isn't a lot for people that don't play much. Having to rush the Sinnoh content is more difficult for those that don't have the help. Hannah is quite difficult for casual players to beat. The requirements for Darkrai are extremely fair and I don't think it needs to be lowered any more. Otherwise this account (not my main-with only 7 hours) could rush the regions and get a super strong legendary. Just no. Saying that an hour requirement should be a requirement for a pokemon? are you serious? thats like saying "He has been playing for 500 hours, Lets give him 5 million pokedollars. I understand if it can be used to beat the game but if you have already beaten all the elite fours up to how far everyone else is, then what is the difference if you have played 50 hours or 500 hours. And since its only available till the 5th I agree that it is stupid
  2. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [upToDate ~ 20 Sept. 2017] ◄ <r><QUOTE author="shinatsuhiko" post_id="448291" time="1506586146" user_id="1760944"><s> </e></QUOTE> It's working for me. I found 2 larvitar in a row, with 15 super repel. <e> </e></QUOTE> Weird. I cant ind one at all there. maybe i didnt give it enough time</r>
  3. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [upToDate ~ 20 Sept. 2017] ◄ <t>Disregard. I was informed otherwise</t>
  4. yes... because they would have not effect on the economy....
  5. All right, ill put that as best offer.
  6. P.M. Me in game for offers or post on the forums Ferrothorn: B.O. None Insta 800k Slowking B.O. 500k Insta 800k Clawitzer: B.O. None Insta: 800k Umbreon B.O. 270k ZiegFeldz Insta: 800k
  7. Sorry, have been full so havent check the forums
  8. bojack, get one whenever. i am almost done.
  9. Vidteng, you need to add me when u get on pokemon the next time. so i can return your pokemon when im finished. im close
  10. Still working on training it. please add me as a friend the next time u are on so i can contact u
  11. Not a problem. i will add you the next time i see you on
  12. I tried to add you, but you didnt accept and its really really late for me.
  13. Pokemon was obtained. estimated return time 2-3 days.
  14. I believe I also pmed you saying that if it wasnt high enough we could talk about it.............
  15. will u be on in about 2 hours from now?
  16. If the bidding ends now im assuming u wouldnt sell?
  17. posted ToS and regular online times
  18. 325k for me
  19. ill go 350k.
  20. It is finished so you can come pick it up whenever
  21. [/color] Regular Online Times My regular online times vary, but typically I will be on randomly throughout the day basically every day from 9:00 A.M. Mountain time (-7:00) to 11 P.M.
  22. Krookodile has been slow to chowdoge:D
  23. Chow you got outbid:/
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