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About Shuzder

  • Birthday May 3

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    Chemistry Student
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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Heyo I need a bold Larvesta/Volcarona with decent/good/epic IVs. Either pm me or awnser here.
  2. What is your IGN? Shuzder What is your discord? PropagandaPanda4#6724 Tell us a little about yourself. 22 year old war veteran from Austria (I defended my countries flag from invaders on r/place) How many hours do you currently have? 534 Do you know any existing members? Not at all Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? Yes I was in Calamity for the most part. What are your expectations for this guild? First and foremost playing PRO is a lot more fun if you have some peeps to talk or play with. What You are looking for from the guild? I kind of need to know whats meta and off meta in PRO and I always had problems with pricing certain mons. To summarize I would like to know the state of PRO right now. What other games do you play online? Nearly every genre there is except Horror. Ex.:LoL, Rust, Csgo, Lost Ark, etc. What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? Umbreon. I played a lot of Pokemon Colloseum on the Game Cube and I always liked Umbreon. In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. Well I guess I am obsessed with farming perfect mons and am always ready to help guildmates in finding what they need for a reduced price of course (Doing that for free is mental) Oh and I already caught like 6-8 shinies in PRO. If that doesnt convince you then I don’t know what will. If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)? Mostly HO and Stall
  3. Could someone pls price check my larvesta? (Fully trained) Thanks! (Hidden Power Ghost)
  4. ArieSlinger won the auction with a bid of 8m
  5. C.O. is back on 8m from ArieSlinger due to fake bidding from Hackoff
  6. 8.5m from Hackoff
  7. 6,5m from Seiyakun
  8. 5.5m from Oregairu
  9. AUCTION STARTING OFFER: 5m CURRENT OFFER: 8m from ArieSlinger AUCTION ENDS AT 22.03.2021 16:44 (GMT+1) (72 Hours from the first bid) MINIMUM RAISE FOR A BID: 500k NO INSTA ACCEPTED PAYMENT METHODS: -Pokedollars -Coin Capsule (400k) If the auction receives a bid during the last 15 minutes, the ending point is delayed to +15 minutes from that bid, until someone being the c.o. for 15minutes wins!!!
  10. 1. Trainer Card: 2. Country: I am from Austria 3. Age: 21 4. Gender: Male 5. Favorite Pokemon: Umbreon 6. Goals in PRO: Hunting alot of godly and shiny pokemon and making them big bucks :D. Oh and I want to focus more on pvp. I once did but that was like a year ago and I was decent. 7. Highest Rating Can't really remember. 8. Discord Tag: PropagandaPanda4#6724
  11. Okay thank you for the detailed and fast awnser!
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