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Everything posted by Fantasmo

  1. Name Change Username: Abel0th New username: Fantasmo Server to transfer from: Gold
  2. [bGCOLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)]Name Change[/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)][/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)]Username: rennisho123[/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)]New username: Abel0th[/bGCOLOR] [bGCOLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)]Server to change the name from: Gold[/bGCOLOR]
  3. And no, it does not current have the move
  4. I can't relearn spore on my paras. I tried relogging and evolving to parasect but it still won't work. The in game pokedex says it learns at lvl26 and mine is at 78 rn.
  5. found a instant buyer in-game, thx. sold.
  6. Auctioning greninja ^^ hidden power rock. Auction for 72hrs, start offer 800k instant 2m
  7. bump
  8. Looking to build a competitive rain team with politoed, pls help with a team of pokes with movesets, ability, nature, evs etc.
  9. Need help building rain team around drizzle politoed, need 5 other poke. Pls give nature, item and movesets, as well as reasons why said pokemon is included. thx.
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