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Backiii last won the day on July 9 2020

Backiii had the most liked content!


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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. buy gengar
  2. 1.3m
  3. +1
  4. Impish Scyther is already sold. It should not be in the shop but the forum update broke everything. I am sorry.
  5. bump and shop update Trained: - Lowered Price for Heracross from 300k to 280k (Pokemon with Mega Evolution Spoiler) - Lowered price for Kingdra from 175k to 150k - Lowered Price for Clefable from 300k to 250k Untrained: - Lowered Prices for all Electrikes by 10k - Lowered Price for Jolly 26 Spd Gible from 150k to 125k - Added 2 Gibles - Lowered Price for Shellder from 50k to 40k - Lowered Price for Buneary from 50k to 40k - Added Adamant Heracross (150k one) - Removed Darumaka from the shop
  6. start
  7. HP Ground Electrike sold
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