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Everything posted by Paonel

  1. Hello pro team, I caught some Scatterbugs in the Johto Safarizone. Some of them had the Ability: None I restarted the client and reloged, but nothing changed.
  2. SERVER TRANSFER Username: Paonel Server to charge the money from: Gold Main Server to transfer: Silver
  3. Und hoch damit!
  4. In-Game Name: Paonel Discord Tag: Onel#9083 Server: How often do you use Discord? Every Day. What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Different language channels for small talk
  5. Wir suchen weiterhin Leute für unsere Gilde! Egal ob ihr neuling oder Erfahren seit, Sammler, CP Spieler oder einfach nur Spaß haben wollt. Ihr seit herlich willkommen bei uns!
  6. Discord: Onel#9083 Server: Gold
  7. Username: Paonel Server: Gold
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