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Everything posted by Praveen00

  1. S.o 500k Mini 50k Insta 2m 24h after first bid start
  2. S.o 100k Mini 50k Insta 2.5m 24h after first bis start
  3. S.o 3m Mini bid 100k Insta no 24h after first bid start Accept iv reroll 500k Cc 350k
  4. Already done all Quests anyway thanks for helping .. You can close this Topic
  5. I will wait hope they fix my issue as soon possible ...Thanks for reply
  6. Facing Same problem not only that something happend to my game I think it's crash or something please reset the boss cooldown of " Haron the thief of souls " I wanna reset dark releam quest -_-
  7. My Halloween quest bugged somehow can't find shiny gastly in dark releam after something happened I forgot my game crashed idk what to do -_- please Reset the cool down of the boss " Horon the thief of souls " Thank you
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