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Everything posted by Darktypobeast

  1. IGN: Darktypobeast Discord: Dark Prince#0721 Server: Gold Continued ... My brother (Josh), immediately called forth his pokemon to fight it. This pokemon had purplish hue to it's eyes, it's body was a purplish tint. I remember seeing a tail sway back and forth. It raising its paw and i was thrown from the hayride wagon. Later, i found out this move was called, "Psychic." Josh was losing. His charizard used Fire Blast, which lit up the night sky. Then i saw this creature reflect it somehow. The flames exploded against some barrier in front of it. The man who had seen the flames light, ran to my brothers aid. They began battling. Josh and his Charizard, and this man and his Blastoise. The pokemon were badly injured. The creatures psychic move was too powerful. The creature sent a shadow ball at my brother, the man pushed my brother aside and was hit instead. The man fell and laid motionless. I remember seeing Josh's eyes as he turned his gaze towards me, a frightened look ... "RUN JAKE ... RU" He screamed as a blast hit him, Charizard and Blastoise. Dust from the blast cleared away. Josh and the two pokemon had collapsed. "JOSH ...CHARIZARD" Nobody moved. I slowly backed away. This creature stepped out of the darkness, eyes flickered the flames surrounding us. Charizard's Fire Blast had set the surrounding corn field on fire. The creature did not walk, it instead floated over to me slowly. Its eyes were glowing a dark purplish hue as it raised its paw again .... "HELLP MEE!!" I screamed into the night. I kept my eyes on it. I was crying, trying my hardest to not look away from the creature. "I am NOT any creature ..." it said. Except, it was not out loud, it was in my head. "Who are you? Why did you KILL THEM?" I began to shake with rage. I placed my hand on one of my knees and had gotten up. " I Am Mewtwo and You Humans Disgust Me." It said as it's eyes turned black, it's form was now shrouded with a purple aura. A ball of dark energy formed from its hand, swirling and aimed at my chest. Mewtwo then looked up suddenly, an electric bolt struck the ground next to us. Mewtwo turned and fled into the darkness. Finally people came. Nurse Joy was checking to make sure i wasn't hurt, flashing a light in my eyes asking if my head hurt. My mother was sobbing, hugging my brother in her arms. My father stood there, a blank look in his eyes, horrified as he surveyed his son, man and two pokemon. The medical coroner began her job. I remained sitting nearby, staring out into the darkness. Officer Jenny had given my father the pokeball that once contained charizard. My father took it and then handed it to me. 3 Years Later My hand curled around the pokeball that once contained Josh's beloved Charizard. I visited my brothers grave in Lavender, then traveled to Pallet. I now sat in front of the mans grave who helped me. The same man who came to our rescue. Placing my hand on the tombston i said. "You are a hero." i said, looking up at the sky. I turned as a woman stood by me. "Did you know him?" She asked. Her brown hair swayed in the gentle breeze. "No, unfortunately i didn't. He saved me though ...." I trailed off. Choked up thinking about it. "He was always that way, helping others. It's why i married him," she said smiling. "I wish i could do something to repay him ...." i said, not being able to look her in the eye. It was silent for a moment. I walking away when I overheard her voice saying from behind me. "My son is always getting himself into situations. It would be nice to hear he's okay from time to time" She said smiling. "Who is your son?" I asked, turning back to her and tilting my head. "Ash .....his name is Ash Ketchum."
  2. 1. Add in bank/mom where money can be stored with her/and or option to send her gold after winnings. (Or those who normally pay for memberships, would not be affected to the 5% blackout gold takeaway.) 2. Start of whereas: This is so members may start at whatever region when beginning the game. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn or Sinnoh. At least the first 3 (K, J, H) as options. Implement the same as defeating elite 4 as usual, then moving on to chosen region/and or of your selection. 3. Forms: I know alolan region may be in the making, would be cool for Alolan forms before alolan region. And please make it so new members can obtain forms, (From past holidays) that we missed. Halloween, Valentines, Christmas. Etc A market using Cc's or event for all those we have missed. I ask this because rarely forms are sold/and or very very expensive. (Where members are nowhere near having enough). Thanks for Reading ^-^
  3. In-Game Name: XperiencedVrgn Discord Tag: Dark Prince#0721 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord?: Everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord?: Adding a channel for some event. Such as short stories, favorites, games (Hangman, Guess that Pokemon. Etc) in server that earn prizes via In-Game. Maybe adding in more info for players in server. This way, B-Days can be celebrated
  4. Add in the shop pokemon. Because Pve/Pvp coins take a long time to get. People overprice alot for trades with Coin Capsules. Would be nice to purchase pokemon from events we missed/and or could not obtain during. Also, can ypu please add wings to cc shop. Thank you for all the hard work <3
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