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  1. Start 100k Min bid 20k 2 day auction after start No insta Accept cc 380k/ rr 520k
  2. 250k negotiable
  3. oh my problem is solved, I was told that pre evo move tutor in daycare can help me to relearn shellsmash for my gorebyss. Don't need to turn my gorebyss back into clamperl. Sorry for my bothering
  4. Username: thinhpb1905 Pokemon: gorebyss I can't learn shell smash for my gorebyss by move relearner, just can do that if gorebyss turn back into clamperl. Help me do that pls
  5. each 70-200k negotiable
  6. wtb shiny milotic surf mount
  7. Restore released pokemon Server: Silver Pokemon: Gliscor and Conkeldurr Reason: Accidentally released I haven't played this game for a long time and today when i log in and check pc i can't find my gliscor and conkeldurr so i think t accidentally released them. I dont remember their ID but both are trained ev, lv100, gliscor has poison heal ab and conkeldurr has guts ab
  8. Re: Restore released pokemon I accidentally released my gligar, help me to restore it ID: 44535891
  9. 300k
  10. 200k
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