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Everything posted by Freety

  1. Buying
  2. 1.8m by me
  3. Bump, 35 hours 20 mins left
  4. Bump, 60 hours 20 mins left
  5. 3.5 mil by Piproom 71hrs 40 mins left
  6. Start 3m by vastik, 72 hours left
  7. @vastikHey, price dropped. It really was overpriced due to a bad price check.
  8. For now I'd like to keep the price as it is. If it drops I'll inform you
  9. Starting offer: 3 mil Insta: 10 mil Min bid: 500k Duration: 3 Days after first bid (72 hours) Server: Gold (Cross server) Accept Coin capsules 400k/Rerolls = 700k
  10. Hello, When releasing pokemon i acidentally released my Mew. IGN: Freety Mew ID: 48234466 Thank u <3
  11. Sup. I would like to join :p IGN: Freety Discord: Naevi#5798
  12. Hello, I would like to join you guys. Ingame name Freety :p
  13. Hello. I need a little bit of help. Ok so like a week ago person called X03x asked me if i can lend them some pokemon for the story or e4. Dont even remember rn. And so i did lend them 2 pokemon. Whimsicott and Tyranitar. And they didnt come on since then. Is there a way to get them Back? I really need them right now. If anyone knows how to help respond please. Thank you.
  14. Hey everyone. Our guild Illusions is recruiting slowly but steadily. We still have places left for players that are going to be active ingame/in Discord. If you're interested, make sure to tell me your Discord name and ingame name. Our guild is aiming for the top, and you can help us! Our plan is to become one of the best guilds on GOLD server. And with your help,we could get there. Sincerely - Freety
  15. Hello Im Back ONCE again asking you all to join. Our mafia gang is Getting more and more full with every day that passes. So please if you want to join tell me your ingame name and if you have discord your discord name and tag. Also if you know how to work with discord and you want to join, you could help us with some stuff on discord.
  16. Weavile Mafia Hello Iam Freety and i would be glad if you joined our guild "weavile mafia". We started today and we welcome every person that joins us. If you are interested my discord is: Freety#5798. Be sure to dm me whenever you want. Thank you for reading. Ps:join to feed one hungry sneasel
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