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  1. If it's good idea for the games people disagree and the same people who disagreed the good ideas submit for the games, going to cry : ''Why fast surf removed? Why it's a pain for playing?'' please be coherent :) Perhaps that's why 70% of players using bot because grinding for earn money it's a pain of ass! 70% using bot not in continue but sometimes and because the system it's created with Unity that's why it's easy to use bots. It's impossible to enjoy this game when you use your time to grinding for earn money after you farming. Introduce payday seems very good option. Don't be hypocrisis, the truth it's here ''Oh no I am good person I never use bot'' oh please why are you lie? People use it but doesn't want admit it because they are afraid to be banned. When you don't admit you escape to a ban that why people even if they going to die they never admit, but the true it's almost 70% of people use it. And moderators are happy because they thinking bots doesn't exist but it's not true. Oh please, almost all people use it that's why some people has 70m of pokedollars, but doesn't admit something doesn't means that thing doesn't exist. I have 3 years of experience in this game so I talked with so many people, so ''dig spots, bosses etc...'' it's answers for people when they have to justify how they had 70 millions of pokedollars, I don't think all people sell 3 shiny Charmander per day.
  2. Regarde dans ton pc, normalement il doit y être.
  3. Nice idea, I hope this idea will be implemented soon!
  4. I want a daily login! It's wonderful idea!!
  5. I agree with him. Nice idea!
  6. I agree with him. It is impossible to level up against pokemon level 40 for E4 Kanto.
  7. Pay to Win. Please don't think only about yourself. If you don't use real monney for to buy your MS that's good for you but keep in mind the MS that you bought with your pokedollars coming from real monney of players, it's not your monney but it's mine that's why you don't care and you don't thought it's Pay to Win. If players don't use their real monney you can't find your MS. Reflect about that. Be more clever next time, I don't know why I have to explain how players obtain MS all players know it is obviously with their real monney. Thanks for your suggestion for more Pay to Win than before but we don't need that.
  8. I support this idea, very nice! +1
  9. I am laughing how staff spit on their communauty. All players tells their jetski is now a shi.t, why nerf ? Answers : ''Shut up we make the game, just accept!'' and it's true you can do nothing because we play at the game who staff disregard players and don't doing what communauty wants but only what they want. My last suggestion it's delete suggestion sub forum I think it's great idea for staff who doesn't listen players.
  10. Yes why not. I appreciate this pokemon. But I don't sure I have understand, you want just a new design for Onix like clone/halloween or you want new design and water type on Onix?
  11. Why it can't works? I didn't understand. I am sure it is a good idea. Just for example, try to find a good venusaur h.a bold hp fire it is almost impossible to find a good one. But if we are 1400 players that become more possible.
  12. 1400 players everyday. More buyer, more seller, so more monney, economy can only going well like that. Economy in Gold Server who was Red/Yellow became better since the fuse. I just want a new fuse for most people interact, discuss, play together, share and trade. And I think this is a good idea.
  13. I appreciate this idea! Very nice! I hope staff appreciate it too!
  14. Hi Staff, Why I suggest this ? 1400 players everyday I think the server can accept that. The pvp level increase and more people doing pvp because more challenge. More pokemon to sell and to buy, very good for trade. Finally game it's created for talk and share with others but unfortunately silver player and gold player never meet and talk but they play at the same game, that is bad... Staff think about that, you can analysis the good point and bad point for make this fuse or not. And I think if you doing that you see fuse server it is very good for game. So staff are you ready to offer to the player a new server? A new experience of this game? Thanks for reading, Kirokyu
  15. Start : 650k Insta : 2m Ends in 72hrs after 1st bid Bid once placed, can't be taken back If the final price doesn't match with my expectations, I give me the right to refuse the trade
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