Hey , I am ign:MoltenM3tal , a player of Gold Server , and I was playing the game on my 3rd account, ign: Sonicsound , Server : Gold , while boss running (even in the bad server states as the 20 boss limit , makes it hard to shcedule and finish bosses and puts me in a tough spot , so I have to rush them even in bad server states) , so while I was boss running , I was battling Xylos , then server dcd and when I logged in again I was back at Lavender Town pc , I checked the Boss again and it was on cooldown , I thought it might be a bug but I was strict on time so had to proceed to the next boss (Shary and Shaui) in love island ,then server crashed vs shaui/shary dont remember which and then again went back to lavender town , this resulted in me losing to 2 bosses due to server crashes , I just wanna know if there is a way for it to be resolved or the bosses to be reset and also can we temporarily remove the weekly limit or 20 bosses limit until the servers are stable again , I mean this puts the playerbase under a lot of pressure and the server stability doesnt help. Can I please talk to someone regarding this?