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  1. Thank you for the reply, unfortunately I didn't get screenshots of the conversation but my friend training them's ign is Somyakant and the ot's name is Claris. I just want to make sure they can at least get back to the ot.
  2. I traded to help a friend of mine ev train a couple pokes he was doing for someone else, but I forgot to check to make sure they wouldn't be region locked since I haven't done sinnoh yet, which is where the two pokes are from. I was wondering if I could have them transferred back so he could finish evs? Thank you so much and sorry for any inconvenience.
  3. What's your IGN? JKsimmons How many hours do you have in PRO? 137 Do you have discord? JujuBryan#9632 How far are you in story? Just battled Norman in hoenn about to start evs How active are you in PRO? I'm on everyday usually for at least 30 min depending on my job, but usually an hour+ Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? Both
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