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Everything posted by Whitney007

  1. Right thanks for letting me know. Done. Bump
  2. Cofa c.o 600k Cofa sold insta, ty for participating ^^
  3. Bump Slashed insta to 800k cofa
  4. Auction for cofagrigus started ^^
  5. That's unfortunate. Can the action be reversed or I'll have to live with it for rest of my life.
  6. Bisharp sold insta! Adding more pokes soon.
  7. Hi I'm positive the coins got deducted. Also the wrong amount. I couldn't afford two rerolls because I had 457 or so amount of pve coins. Hence I went for one. I should have left with 200 coins after purchase. Ive looked all over for an old screenshot I might have of my profile, unfortunately don't have one. Can you please check if there's anything else that could've been bought from the pve store yesterday? I never used pve coins at all. Bought it from Celadon supermart if that helps.
  8. Yes whit007 #2137 Bump added new pokes Milotic Confagrigus Clefable Dragonite non h.a epic cheap.
  9. I just bought the reroll for 250 coins and after sometime logged off. Login back again and can't find it in inventory. No idea what happened. Gold server Ign - Whitney007
  10. All auctions last 48 hrs from 1st bid. Min bid 50k Rare Candy = 5k CC = 250k (negotiable) no cancel after making a bid. Will update more, se keep checking. Sassy semi epic tyranitar s.o 700k insta 1m Cofa epic sold Dragonite s.o 180k insta 220k Clef sold Marvel scale milotic s.o 800k insta 1m Slowbro regenerator s.o 300k insta 450k Bisharp defiant [sold insta] Snivy timid h.a 26 speed, s.o. 500k Insta 800k Snivy timid h.a max speed, s.o 500k insta 800k
  11. Bumpp
  12. Add me in game whitney007, I have a few I need trained. I would add in discord as well but I don't use it alot so best if talk in game.
  13. This awesome ivs lax is up for sale. Starting bid: 450k Insta: 1mil Auction ends 2 days after the first bid. Min bid increase - 50k I accept CC as 220k. Fake bids will be reported. No cancelling after making the offer. Also evs are according to Smogon build but can be changed depending on buyer's wish. Happy bidding!
  14. Yes I've been playing since and had no issue logging in.
  15. Forgot to post. Deep cleaning and reinstalling with different browser solved it for me.
  16. An update to the issue, I uninstalled the client after clearing cache and deleting the data, restarted the phone and then downloaded latest version from the website again..still the issue is the same. Then just to test if the problem is with my phone I installed an old version, and I could click anywhere just fine. It just said it's an old version and to download a new one..but the latest one is still stuck on the 'terms of use' box. I can't click? Ps: something's wrong with the client. Also my xp boost is wasted.
  17. In-Game Name: Whitney007 Discord Tag: whit007#2137 Server: gold How often do you use Discord? every day What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Would like more activity in channels except general chat. Perhaps hold more discord only events.
  18. Hi since yesterday my pro client has issues. It's like when I open it, my touchscreen stops working as I can't click on login. I tried redownload and now I'm stuck in Terms of use, since I can't click on accept. What to do? I'm on Android btw, and the phone in itself is working perfectly fine.
  19. Up 1 hour left for Clefable. C.o 350k Dragonite h.a 300k. ^^
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