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Everything posted by Xxakitxx

  1. Auction ended with 650k Min bid 50k No insta price 3days auction Auction start after first bid Accept pokedollar only
  2. Auction ended and the winner is @Panoda1. Respond me when you are ready to trade, thanks.
  3. Auction ended with 600k Min bid 50k No insta Auction 3days (72hours) Accept pokedollars only
  4. I am gold here now and ready to trade, tell me if u r online. Thx
  5. @Anbanto2 where u at , gold or silver server? Currently I in silver server and can go gold server if u there. Feel free to me if u are ready so we can trade now, thanks
  6. Sorry, the auction already ended 17 minutes ago and the winner is Anbanto2
  7. Auction H.A Dratini Ended price 250k Minimum bid 50k No insta Auction 3days (72 hours) Accept pokedollar only
  8. 11.7m garchomp
  9. 10.4m garchomp
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