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Everything posted by Xxakitxx

  1. 10m garchomp
  2. Bid 200k for garchomp
  3. C.o 2.7m by Pokevillian, 16min left
  4. Bump, auction time 22hours left, c.o 2.2m by JadeAsh
  5. Summer form snivy from gold server ( I can transfer if you are in silver server ) C.o 2.5m by xjenix Insta 6m Payment accepting pokedollars and cc (350k) Min bid 200k Auction time 3days (72 Hours) after starting bid.
  6. Hi, sorry yea you have to wait me a while due i am outside doing something, i will pm u once i am free to online.
  7. Auction end and the winner is Iva by 1.2m
  8. Bump, Auction time 3hours left
  9. 1.2m by Iva, Auction time 12hours left
  10. 1m by Chiragk, Auction 22hours left
  11. Bump, auction 49hours left
  12. Serperior from gold server ( I can transfer if you are in silver server ) C.o 1.2m by Iva Insta 6m Payment accepting pokedollars and cc (350k) Min bid 200k Auction time 3days (72 Hours) after starting bid.
  13. Auction end and the winner is bapcutevl by 1.8m
  14. I am applying to join unbridled II Trainer card Country: Malaysia Age: 29 Gender: Male Favorite Pokemon: Dragonite Goals on Pro: Collect all shiny rare ot pokemons and godly/epic pvpable ot pokemons Discord tag: Akit#7116
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