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Everything posted by Xxakitxx

  1. Metagross from gold server ( I can transfer if you are in silver server ) C.o 1.8m by bapcutevl Insta 6m Payment accepting pokedollars and cc (350k) Min bid 300k Auction time 3days (72 Hours) after starting bid.
  2. Hello bro, where u from? Silver o gold? Can u add my discord , Akit#7116
  3. Auction end and the winner is Julixzz by 3m.
  4. BUMP!!! Auction time 5hours left, c.o by Ronny321 2.8m
  5. BUMP! Auction 23hours left, co by shinok 2.2m
  6. BUMP! HA impish garchomp pvpable, auction time left 55hours , co 2.2m by shinok!
  7. Thanks for correction me, yea first i was confuse then after that my friend was telling me then I am cleared now. Thanks again for your explanation
  8. Garchomp from gold server Current offer 3m by Julixzz Insta 15m Payment accepting pokedollars and cc (350k) Min bid 200k Auction time 3days (72 Hours) after starting bid.
  9. Shiny Dratini from gold server! Starting on 20m Insta 40m Payment accepting pokedollars and cc (450k) Min bid 1m Auction time 1 weeks (168 Hours) after starting bid. ( I can transfer to silver if needed!)
  10. Yes bro and i already edit the topic and it closed, Thank you
  11. Bump it ! 2 hours remaining now and the auction will end soon ! Hurry up for the shiny charizard mega Y ready !
  12. Bump ! Auction are 1day 12hours remaining guys, hurry up bid for shiny charizard !
  13. up, bump it, 2 days remaining the auction of shiny charizard !!!
  14. Oh yeah bro, sorry i wrong count bro, thx for the remainder. i will edit the post there, thx
  15. Bump it, fast bid, 4days remaining
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