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Everything posted by Pokemonhero

  1. This is a big guide for Pokemon: Rarity, Location, Spawn time, Item drops, Nature and more over time. Any feedback on anything is welcomed. Currently needing suggestions or facts about: Rarity of: Unown (Needs suggestions) Pokemon from Gen 4,5 & 6 (PM me or leave comments) Using references from google and some guides on forums I am making this guide to help people refer to one guide to look to instead of multiple guides at once. References & Special Thanks will be here below. Hints: Ctrl+F will be your best friend. Rarity will scale from 1/10 (1 being lowest, 9 being highest and 10 being limited to 1) Locations with * next to the names are Membership only Pokemon found in Viridian Maze's Pokeball is random. "Time: Any" Can mean that the pokemon spawn in all times of day. (This will be fixed later, different locations have different spawn times thus why I added All to note to self to add multiple times later.) Currently: Might be making a web to better make use Of my guide ideas. Replacing sprites with smaller ones Adding 1st, 2nd Gen Evolutions. [On hold] Working on Generations 3. Soon to come: Will eventually add all pokemon evolution's and their locations. Will get more in-depth with Morning / Day / Night spawn timing. Will add item drops later Will add recommended Nature for each pokemon with IV and EV aswell. Lv.16⇒Lv.32⇒ Bulbasaur - Ivysaur-Venusaur Rarity: 9/10 Time: All Location: Charmander Rarity: 9/10 Time: All Location: Squirtle Rarity: 9/10 Time: Morning / Day Location: Caterpie Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Weedle Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Pidgey Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Rattata Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Spearow Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Ekans Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Pikachu Rarity: 5/10 Time: All Location: Sandshrew Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Nidoran♀ Rarity: 2/10 Time: All Location: Nidoran♂ Rarity: 2/10 Time: All Location: Clefairy Rarity: 5/10 Time: All Location: Vulpix Rarity: 4/10 Time: All Location: Jigglypuff Rarity: 3/10 Time: All Location: Zubat Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Oddish Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Paras Rarity: 1/10 Time: Any Location: Venonat Rarity: 1/10 Time: Morning / Night Location: Diglett Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Meowth Rarity: 1/10 Time: Morning / Night Location: Psyduck Rarity: 1/10 Time: Any Location: Mankey Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Growlithe Rarity: 4/10 Time: Any Location: Poliwag Rarity: 1/10 Time: Any Location: Abra Rarity: 6/10 Time: Any Location: Machop Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Bellsprout Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Tentacool Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Geodude Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Ponyta Rarity: 4/10 Time: All Location: Slowpoke Rarity: 2/10 Time: All Location: Magnemite Rarity: 2/10 Time: All Location: Farfetch'd Rarity: 3/10 Time: All Location: Doduo Rarity: 1/10 Time: Kanto/Johto: Morning / Day, Hoenn: All Location: Seel Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Grimer Rarity: 1/10 Time: All Location: Shellder Rarity: 8/10 Time: Any Location: Gastly Rarity: 3/10 Time: Any Location: Onix Rarity: 6/10 Time: Any Location: Drowzee Rarity: 1/10 Time: Any Location: Krabby Rarity: 1/10 Time: Any Location: Voltorb Rarity: 1/10 Time: Any Location: Exeggcute Rarity: 6/10 Time: Any Location: Cubone Rarity: 7/10 Time: Any Location: Hitmonlee Rarity: 10/10 Time: Any Location: Hitmonchan Rarity: 10/10 Time: Any Location: Lickitung Rarity: 5/10 Time: Any Location: Koffing Rarity: 2/10 Time: Any Location: Rhyhorn Rarity: 4/10 Time: Any Location: Chansey Rarity: 7/10 Time: Any Location: Tangela Rarity: 2/10 Time: Any Location: Kangaskhan Rarity: 8/10 Time: Any Location: Horsea Rarity: 2/10 Time: Any Location: Goldeen Rarity: 1/10 Time: Any Location: Staryu Rarity: 7/10 Time: Any Location: Mr. Mime Rarity: 8/10 Time: Any Location: Scyther Rarity: 7/10 Time: Any Location: Jynx Rarity: 6/10 Time: Any Location: Electabuzz Rarity: 9/10 Time: Any Location: Magmar Rarity: 9/10 (Undecided) Time: Any Location: Pinsir Rarity: 7/10 Time: Any Location: Tauros Rarity: 5/10 Time: Morning / Day Location: Magikarp Rarity: 2/10 Time: Any Location: Lapras Rarity: 9/10 Time: Any Location: Ditto Rarity: 7/10 Time: Any Location: Eevee Rarity: 9/10Time: Any Location: Porygon Rarity: 10/10 Time: Any Location: Omanyte Rarity: 10/10 Time: Any Location: Kabuto Rarity: 10/10 Time: Any Location: Aerodactyl Rarity: 10/10 Time: Any Location: Snorlax Rarity: 9/10 Time: Any Location: Dratini Rarity: 9/10 Time: Any Location: Mew Rarity: 10/10 Time: Any Location: Secret Mew Quest Quest:
  2. Pokemonhero


    I'm sure Smogon normaly covers pokemon used in actual competitions. Choosing the right nature depends on what role you want your pokemon to be in your team. As for pikachu there is: Speed (Timid if your pikachu is going Speed first and Sp.Atk second) Physical (Adamant if your Pikachu is going pure Physical atk and Speed second) Special (Modest if your Pikachu is going pure Sp.Atk first and Speed second). Just because one site prefers something over anything does not mean it is best. You choose what best works in your team and your play style. If I were to choose a Pikachu to play as it would be an Adamant Volt tackle but that is my preference. :y: :Grin: :y:
  3. That would be a lot of work to create, would just be easier for older players who don't want to move to just stay where they are at and for new players who just started/Registered to play on Blue. Everyone needs to remeber this was only even thought about to help the wait time to log into the game. Also even if older players decide to move to blue they will always have their older character on Red, no one is losing anything at all. This wasn't about older players moving to Blue, it was about allowing the newer players currently on Red to transfer without losing the time they already spent progressing through the game. I don't see how it would be too difficult to transfer character data over to the new server, especially since they already have all the information they need about each character. They could even limit the # of pokemon to bring with the player just to lessen w/e it is that would hold them back from doing so. I read what you said. See for me I've only gotten 3 badges and I would rather start over knowing I can make better choices knowing more about how the game works. Also the fact that I get to play on a less populated server makes me want to move to that server even more. As for the rest of us newer and less progressed players I don't feel as if it matters as much if we start over or not we don't have 300+ hours of game time and over ### about of pokemon/shiny/cash shop items. What should appeal to us is the fact that there is a new server with less people and a better fresh start. I'm not doing anything else on Red till Blue comes out.
  4. That would be a lot of work to create, would just be easier for older players who don't want to move to just stay where they are at and for new players who just started/Registered to play on Blue. Everyone needs to remeber this was only even thought about to help the wait time to log into the game. Also even if older players decide to move to blue they will always have their older character on Red, no one is losing anything at all.
  5. Yea I was wondering if it was as rare as Electabuzz since its almost its counter part but Fire.
  6. I would guess around 5-7 :y: Thanks, I'm trying to figure out if its not as rare or super rare like electabuzz
  7. On a scale to 1/9 (9 being extremely rare 1 being common) how rare would magmar be?
  8. It's ok I will be moving to the new server aswell and I only have 3 badges but yesterday I logged into the game and my first pokemon encounter was Electabuzz lol..
  9. How rare would you say Magmar is?
  10. An idea for the leading faction is that they could have a small discount at npc based shops. There could be different mode cycles for the faction war. Pvp Most Pve encounters Most poke dollars earned Most pokemon caught (this could be a gold sink considering the amount of pokeballs you would need to buy) Most fishing encounter/caught Fishing idea: some what like the bug catching contest in pokemon gold/silver, you have a set time to catch as meny rare pokemon (5 at most) faction with the highest amount of rare pokemon win (create a fishing area for this to stop players from getting pokemon from pc)(also disable trade in the area aswell to prevent potential cheating) One boss with TONS of hp each player from each faction haas 1 chance to shell out as much damage as possible then they have a counter places on their character till they can fight again, faction to deal the most damage wins (dmg rank can be placed in each faction to show of stats) I can probably list things off all night lol but i need to make dinner..
  11. See starting over is only a choice it's not being forced. The new server is mostly going to be suggested for new players and other players who "want" to start on a new server. What I suggest they do is make a new download for people who download the game for the first time, but make it to where the Blue server is a default selection so new players will start out on the Blue server. (Edit: I think they would have to make a whole new download for that, I'm not sure.)
  12. Have it in your first slot :Smile: And don't ever let them faint.
  13. Honestly nothing big is coming out of this new server besides a shorter queue (maybe no queue) and the fact that it will be a fresh new server with nothing on it. People who are playing on the Red server can move to the Blue server and start on their own will, no one will make them move. This will obviously flow traffic away from the Red server to shorten queue like I mentioned. There might be a increase or decrease in prices on the Red server depending on who moves (Major buyers/Sellers), but that wont be that bad stuff like that will happen sooner or later. Red server will do just fine considering it has (I'm guessing) a stable economy with plenty of people who probably wont want to move. Blue server will take some time to adjust, so the people who just started playing and the people who migrated to the new server will have the hardest time. Prices will be all over the place most people will try to use prices from Red server most likely, it will take longer for players who run daycare's to get established same goes for the players who run the market. I can't name off everything but those are the points that I had in mind. Again, stay on your server if you don't want to move you are not being forced what so ever. Red server's queue will slowly get better after this is done.
  14. The new server will take more of a beaten then red. If you think about it, there are no prices starting off no economy. There wont be a lot of trained pokemon to go around to help yourself or others to beat gyms/elite 4. For me that sounds fun though, for others not so much BUT again its a choice for the player to make on their own, no one is being forced onto the new server.
  15. I'm sure all guilds will have to be created again. Also someone should probably make a post about who ownes what guild so if someone else takes the name they can have rights to get the name back. Ofcourse you should probably show proof of ownership too.
  16. Ahh ok, yea I did a search so I probably missed it. (can delete this if felt necessary.)
  17. It will most likely be another 1900 capacity server to play on. You would have to start fresh though.
  18. I don't know if this has been asked about or suggested I did search for a topic but I didn't find any suggesting this. I've seen this done pretty well in another Pokemon MMO (Not giving any names) but it helped out a lot of people. On that game I had caught a perfect staryu (in said game staryu was very rare to find) and I didn't know what I could have priced it at. So I asked around people said in the millions so what I did was placed it in a 7 day auction starting bid at 500k and just advertised it to world chat and people kept bidding on it and I sold the staryu at the end of the week for 5m. An auction would help people who are new on through to the people who are anti-social. Would also be great to break a language barrier that could cause two people to sell/buy to eacher. Would probably take some time to add, but this definitly should be thought about after the major updates are done.
  19. Okay thanks, I may just get familer with the game some more than switch to the new server once it comes out.
  20. No, your characters will start from zero on the other server, where your progress on the one you are current using will remain intact. Is there an estimated time this will be added? I may move to that server since im still fairly fresh in the game. So if its soon I may not even work to get more badges. You know?
  21. Even when the server isn't full (1630/1900) and it just sits there after pressing login, just wait maybe 5 mins and you should login or be placed in queue.
  22. I understand that, what I am saying is at this time the game is built for a small community and the staff wants the game to stay under the radar at this time. Yes streamers make money off of streaming, yes it may be either a side job or main job. That is why i said either ask permission first or don't stream this game at its current state of development. I didn't say not to at all. Thats all I'm saying. (Edit: I also understand that more people means more money, but if the server can't handle larger amounts of people flooding in then it will cause the rest of the players that have been paying and playing more to wait in a longer queue than normal. Which could cause them to stop playing and that will be money lost. You need to weigh the pros and cons first you know. I am all for wanting the game to grow bigger but I don't think it's that important at this time.)
  23. Honestly, they should probably stop streaming to begin with. If these streamers have a large following who knows who could be watching and who could be affiliated with copy right laws or even nintendo & etc. Also this could potentially cause the server to lag like it has. Having a large amount of people logging into the server/queue could chew up the bandwith. Who knows there could of been players from another pokemon mmo who has seen these streams and desided to be nice and Ddos the server due to some immature jealousy towards this game and theirs. (Read some comments on that youtubers stream/video of this game and people were upset that he wasn't playing the pokemon mmo they were playing.) So I think streaming at this time should either be approved of first or strictly not aloud at this point in development. Let them fix server stability and capacity first before sharing with hundreds of people on twitch/youtube.
  24. Why not add all legs but make it "forbidden" to use the op ones in battle [starts battle using 1op pkmn] (Prompt message) "You are using a forbidden pkmn! You are unable to battle other player, please remove the forbidden pokemon And try again" Yes they will need to code this but i doubt it would be hard to tell the server to check the teams for unusable pkmn. This way you can cater to the pokemon collecters and pokemon battlers. Same would apply to the pokemon that arn't legends.
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