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About Goodbyepokemon

  • Birthday 07/11/1991

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Here I want to suggest, what if there is a change in the system, where PVP players who want to use more than 1 legendary Pokemon must be in active membership (VIP) Looking from a meta PVP team perspective, now many people use more than one pokemon legend, which will of course make new players with low playing hours overwhelmed, because they haven't completed the Legend quest. In terms of profits, it will certainly increase profits for developers because more coin capsules will be used, so they won't just be stored in players' bags. there is a possibility that the price of CC will increase so that new players can sell more CC to gain profits in the game. Maybe that's a suggestion from me, if it comes true I will be grateful, If it doesn't happen, that's okay, I understand, because the developer definitely has a better idea ^^ sorry in advance for the messy wording, because I'm not good at English... Ty
  2. Chroma Xmas Zubat Chroma Xmas Golbat Chroma Xmas Crobat Chroma Valentine Slowpoke Chroma Valentine Slowbro Chroma Valentine SlowKing Chroma Valentine MegaSlowbro Chroma Scyther chroma Scizor Chroma Mega Scizor Chroma swablu Chroma Altaria Chroma Mega Altaria dont forget tap ty
  3. Auction END now.. @Q25you are the winner.. Please login in game for transaction.. Then I can upload the screenshot.. ty
  4. Ty for offer, Yes, today's auction is still running.. Auction end tomorrow
  5. Ty for offer.. who wants to offer again?
  6. Done, Sorry my mistake
  7. Ok sry iam delete start new
  8. Auction start If anyone bids S.o 2m Min bid : 500k insta: 8m accept cc ( 390k ) the auction will end after 7 days i will update If there is another bidder in the game too
  9. Sold 400k. Sideeffect win
  10. Update 28/1/2022 Start by Sideeffect
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