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Everything posted by Rizlax

  1. bump
  2. bump
  3. Pokedollars only . start auction 50k min raise 50k Auction last for 12hours no insta
  4. 1.5m by wildrover
  5. Pokedollars only Start 1m Auction last for 72h Minimum raise 200k No insta Rizlax in pro for pm
  6. Well , 24 hours with no bid , Major 93 win this Haxorus
  7. 24 hours after the last bids if no one go higher , thats easy to understand no ? There is no auction end time if someone goes up 23 59 minutes after the last auction, it is restarted until no one goes higher after 24 hours. But it was confused maybe for some , i"m sorry
  8. Rules : 1. Auction ends 24Hours after the last bid if no one go higher 2. Fake offers will be reported 3. No Trade poke / No CC / No reroll / Only moneys Start : 2m Raise min : 200k Instant : 8m Contact me : Ingame : RizLax // Discord : Klaw#3708 Good Luck !
  9. Tx really last question sry , for heatran ev , 252 SPATK / speed or spatk / hp ?
  10. Tx a lot for lighting me . What u suggest for heatran ? timid / modest ? And last question , any suggestion for the last poke ? I was thinking for ada 252 hp atk scizor i't is ok ?
  11. up
  12. Hi . Recently, I found a very good ExcadrilI and i was thinking about create a sand team but i'm not good to find a synergy . Tyranitar ada / relaxed ? Excadrill Tangrowth / Ferro ? Charyzard / Heatran ? Jellicent / Tentacruel / azumarill ? I really want to create a solid sand team , but kinda new at this . I wait the propostion , i'm not pressed i can hunt poke if i'ts really helpful just want to enjoy this team . Tx and sorry for this english , peace .
  13. Why do you want to join Eternity? new experience / still want to learn pvp / Real name / ingame name: real name max / Rizlax igm How old are you? 26 Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak? Belgium / English Discord name+tag / how often u r online there? Rizlax#2390 online when i'm playing pro What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping? depend sometimes i like to pvp but not really good at it // But i like some quest or hauting good poke Screenshot of your trainercard
  14. Hi ! 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Rizlax 2. Number of hours played ? 400 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Mewto 4. How old are you? 26 5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 21/7/1991
  15. 500k Tyranitar
  16. How old are you? 26 How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? // 380 hours , 32 badges Do you use discord? // Rizlax#2390 What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Pvp // Selling Why would you like to be in team magma? I am not very talented for pvp but I love the strategic side, so I'm sure there is to learn from others. And then I like money ^ ^ so selling and try to catch a good poke it's a part of my game
  17. well riyu is the last to have made an offer so he wins this yamask
  18. Selling Shiny Yamask . Start offer : 5 m Raise per offer: 1m Insta : 70m No trade only money Every fake offers reported End 48 hours after the first offer !
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