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Everything posted by Crimefridge
Equivalent Exchange - Back Online
Crimefridge replied to Crimefridge's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
We're back online, updating shop inventory at the end of the week. -
Equivalent Exchange - Back Online
Crimefridge replied to Crimefridge's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Equivalent Exchange - Epic Competitive, Shinies, and all Synchronize Natus <r><QUOTE author="Chris211"><s> </e></QUOTE> I wont be fully paying attention for my shop this week due to family emergency circumstances.<br/> <br/> The Careful Immunity Gligar was already sold for 1 million.<br/> <br/> Unless you are bidding for the new one I put up.<br/> <br/> Thank you for your patience</r> -
Equivalent Exchange - Back Online
Crimefridge replied to Crimefridge's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Equivalent Exchange - Epic Competitive, Shinies, and all Synchronize Natus <r><QUOTE author="Smokedz"><s> </e></QUOTE> Deal, add me in game.</r> -
Equivalent Exchange - Back Online
Crimefridge replied to Crimefridge's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Equivalent Exchange - Epic Competitive, Shinies, and all Synchronize Natus <r>Yes, I accept epic pokes, depending on which ones it is. MS I can accept but I'd only do so for at least a mild profit (110k instead of market value 120k-130k)<br/> <br/> Current pokemon I am looking for:<br/> >>> Kabutops <<<<br/> Salamence<br/> <br/> They don't need to be leveled or EV trained. I actually <B><s></s>prefer<e></e></B> them raw myself, which is why I sell them that way.\<br/> <br/> Obviously if you have an epic Swift Swim Kabutops we're talking multiple of my pokemon for that, but one can hope someone gets one and is willing to sell <E>:Cool:</E></r> -
Equivalent Exchange - Back Online
Crimefridge replied to Crimefridge's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Equivalent Exchange - Epic Competitive, Shinies, and all Synchronize Natus <t>I'll accept the highest by Monday. Weekend is the best time for sales after all.</t> -
[highlight=yellow]We're back[/highlight]. Finals coming up, sporadic activity. Welcome to my shop! Please leave an offer with the pokemon you want. We also carry the entire natu synchronize line, all 20 out out the 25 non-neutrals! They are all Kanto-based, level 40+. Limited time offer; we're selling Natus for 9.5k, under market price! (Orders must be above 10k to deliver from Johto to Kanto) Front Counter Omega Marill offered at 200k by Snowbull! Gligar was B.O.ed for 1 million by Walrosskastanie Near-Epic Pokemon Shinys - All About Bling Junker Johto Sweepers Lapras - Random Acts of Lapras Decent-Enough Magikarps </COLOR> We Have Natus... ALL Natus <i></i><COLOR color="#00FF00"> Every single nature is up for grabs! Except for neutral; we had to lay them off. These are the Kanto-variety Natus, all at least level 40 Currently 9.5k each; under market value! (Orders must be above 10k to be delivered to Johto to Kanto) SOLD
They're pretending like this didn't happen again? Oh my god. It's so depressing because even if they didn't expand the game at all and just fixed the moves, the game would be fine But... not having a mechanism to restart the server when the ONE TIME ZONE the admin and friends are on are all asleep is beyond frustrating. And not having basic things that should be in the game because of PVP (Focus Blast), fixing dumb glitches like Haunter being unable relearn Hypnosis at move relearner, implementing abilities that are relatively simple to fix (Arena Trap when Magnet Pull is in the game) really really really really frustrates me.
Talk about your server issues in this thread, since I've heard people say the Complaint section isn't visible enough. No sub-GMs / GMs / Admins on for hours at a time with a server crash, what's the deal? Blue - currently 4 hours, looking to be much more Red - freezing off trainer battles / berry bushes / etc nobody online to do anything about it
I see Shroomish isn't in Viridian Forest or Route 31. But... where is it. I got one answer of headbutting, saw a post saying someone got one from headbutting, and have seen people with Brelooms on Blue server. But... is it a specific location, or am I just headbutting trees and praying to god for dumb dumb luck?
Wts epic adamant Gyarados ready to Rekt!
Crimefridge replied to Kanmuruu's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
This Gyarados could sell for more than 100k, just wait it out and advertise on trade chat. -
Re: Rare poke shop. (updated 3/24/2016) <t>Other than your Grimer, I can't tell what is shiny. I would suggest setting your most likely to sell in the front, like have the first three on the top that are likely to sell and removing the things not likely to sell.<br/> <br/> I would see the Dragonair, Shiny Grimer, and Salamence in the front because they are the most likely to sell (even if their stats aren't the best), and remove the things nobody is likely to buy that clutter your list like Arcanine, Shinx, Corphish, and Kingler, for a start.</t>
Leftover tree sprites floating in air.
How long did it take you to beat Kanto and what team did you use?
Crimefridge replied to Visahan's topic in General Game Talk
Kanto is the first place right? I beat it in 17 hours 30 minutes with level 100 Gengar and level 100 Blastoise on Blue server just yesterday. Time was when I talked to Professor Oak in Pallet Town after beating Gary. I even screwed up and didn't pick up the hidden items, went back to go get them (and Ice Beam from Seafoam Cave), detoured for useless Headbutt, Headbutted trees, leveled a Gyarados and abandoned it, grinded a Magnemite, grinded a Growlithe, defeated every trainer, picked every berry, got every visible item (may have skipped a couple in Seafoam / Safari zone), etc. I could have cut hours upon hours from my time, not including the time I spent idle or talking in General / All. God forbid the idea of buying a level 100 sweeper from Trade chat at the 4th gym or something ridiculous like that. -
AHAHAHAHA, oh man that's a good one. Membership allowing you to get through queue faster (without kicking players out) would be less P2W than what we have right now, lol.
I've gotten used to the terribly made exp system. I guess this is how it starts: Rejection Adjustment Apathy Acceptance Support It's basically Stockholm Syndrome. I can see why people who have invested time in this illogical system come to its defense.
Two questions: does Hidden Power work and is Focus Blast TM / tutor in the game yet?
Someone needs to NERF these Gym Leaders
Crimefridge replied to Notaccountable's topic in General Game Talk
Are you 70 post fighting all the trainers? I had a level 70 Squirtle starting at Blain's entrance and left at level 90 with little effort. Hydro Pump one shot everything, and had a backup Geodude with Study using Earthquake. -
Mounts can be used immediately, but beware buying the water-based mounts because they require access to Surf to use. That's not listed on the store and I bought Magikarp for blue for basically no reason until I reach the safari zone.
Couple of newbie questions related to leveling and evolving
Crimefridge replied to Chocolicious's topic in General Support
Currently, evolving gives you a significant experience penalty. Catching an evolved pokemon will have the same issue. If you have one evolution, you can put it off until when you reach level 100. If you have two evolutions, you can put it off until you reach 99, evolve, then reach 100, evolve. Certain pokemon, like Eevee, can't learn moves without evolving. However, if you are willing to pay for the move relearner you can learn all those moves later and wait to evolve Eevee on 100 or after 100 depending on which evolution. This effectively neuters the exp of certain pokemon that you need to evolve to make use out of them, like Magikarp, Eevee, and to some degree Abra. Especially with Magikarp, because Magikarp is listed as "Slow" at gaining exp which means it requires a lot of EXP to begin with compared to others. -
Again, we need a source, because bulbapedia, which I've heard other GMs saying the same exact thing, does not say anything about this system nor does it have "base exp rates" (except for the 6 group system), only the exp gained from KOing them. ONE LINK. One single link would make this whole discussion go away. One source. But we've gotten nothing."Look at bulbapedia" WE DID! Just give us something, And don't link to the Bulbapedia exp page, because that had nothing to support it either! Are you guys even going to change this if it's found out to not be from Gen V but some programming added in because they somehow thought "base exp yield = exp required for level 2" or something? Because whenever I ask for numbers they tell me to look at some page of bulbasaur and the only exp number is base exp yield, which is for when you KO them... As a matter of fact, the developer in charge of the exp rates very well seems to have followed "base exp yield" based on the exp required trends: Squirtle : 63 Wartortle : 142 Blastoise : 239 Growlithe: 70 Arcanine: 194 Now while it would be hilarious to find out the developer in charge of exp thought exp yield meant something for the base exp of pokemon, it would also be horrifyingly disturbing in terms of wondering what other mechanics weren't implemented accurately.
I tested on Growlithe to Arcanine > 3x exp required. My level 54 Abra at one point has the exact same base exp as my level 43 Graveler. That isn't 1.3x. And before anybody says "exp groups", Abra and Graveler both belong to the exact same group: Medium-Slow. The level distance is only increasing, which is why I mentioned 20+ levels of difference with ONE evolve. Now think about how much I'd lose with two? If it was 1.3x exp, I would be still irritated but probably could deal with that. But it's clearly not.