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Posts posted by Aghanim

  1. Sono arrivato a Vermilion City e ho parlato con l'NPC che doveva darmi il biglietto per la nave, ma dopo che è scomparso non mi ha dato il biglietto, e senza di esso non posso andare avanti.

    Mi potete aiutare per favore ???

    Hello there! My apologies for the inconvenience.


    I would like to inform you that the NPC that gives you the ticket to enter the ship SS.Anne is at route 25 and you might need to go back there to get the ticket from him.

    His name is Bill and he lives in a house in route 25, you need to help him to find his book (which is present under his pillow) and then he will give you the ticket for helping him.

    HERE is a kanto complete walkthrough in case you get stuck again.

    Let me know if I have answered the question correctly.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  2. I have a problem in PRO and sorry for my bad English...

    I've been Tp yesterday in Celadion after a crash server and I have just one Badge , dont have "Cut" attack and cant continue the game or back earlier.

    Can you help me to solve my problem please?

    Hello there! My apologies for the inconvenience.


    The issue has been forwarded to the relevant parties, please be patient while it is being looked into.

    Thank you for your patience! and have a nice day!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

    • Like 1
  3. One of discord moderators told me to create a post here, so

    My nickname is Kontergamez, i play on silver and i had 16 badges on testing server but i still didnt get rewards :/


    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    As of now, there has been only the distribution of the free safari for the members who helped with testing and the other rewards have not been given yet.

    To know when they will be given, feel free to join our DISCORD SERVER.

    Let me know if you have further questions.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  4. Hola

    Hello there! We are sorry for the inconvenience you might be facing.


    Could you please explain what is the problem that you are experiencing at the moment?

    If we do not know the problem, there is no way to help you.

    If you mean the servers being unstable and crashing all the time, it is being looked into and will be solved when we are able to find what is the issue. You will know when the servers become stable in the DISCORD SERVER.

    Looking forward for a reply!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  5. thanks a lot I have 450 hours and ms and didn't know where to go thanks bro

    Hello there!


    I'm glad that the problem has been solved.

    I shall now lock the topic, feel free to make a new one incase of need.

    Have a nice day!


    Deep Regards

    - Aghanim.

  6. Hi, I have all the requirements for latios and i see the wrong message on tv. i ve talked to the reporters, i have jirachi and the 344 evos, i dont understand thank you for your help!

    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    Itseems as though you have completed everything, could you go out of the house and check if latios/latias is there and it is not blocked?

    If it is, let me know, also try talking to the reporters again and try again, it might work.

    Let me know with a reply to this post!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  7. Hello, as title said, please help, its annoying when the player you hate pop out when he/she online but its not in your friend list, how can this be solve, thanks.



    Hello there!


    This is a well-known bug and the fix of this may take some time as we are currently working on more important things to solve.

    When this bug is solved, it will be present in the UPDATE LOGS and you will be able to know when it is solved.

    Thank you for reporting this.

    Let me know if you have further questions.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  8. So i went to the safari ev area twice yesterday and i was shown loading map and then i was booted out of the game.

    Then today i went to the safari exclusive twice and I couldn't encounter pokemons and when i tried to leave i was shown the loading screen then i was booted out again.

    I found that the sucess rate for the ev training area is about 33% since i got it to work on my third try.

    Fix this issue.[ATTACH]75925[/ATTACH]

    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    Unfotunately, I am unable to replicate this error.

    This could be caused due to the use of a proxy, please try disconnecting from it and trying again.

    Also, it could be caused from the use of public internet networks (college/work) try using a private network and see if its solved.


    Finally, it could be caused by your internet just being too slow to be able to load the map before you are able to enter into the map. unfortunately, if thats the case, you might need a faster network.

    and about the safari exclusive area, theres a bug that allows you to go into the safari exclusive area but you can't get the spawns of it unless you have MS and after checking your account, i see that you do not have MS. Please, get MS and try again to see if it works.

    Let me know with a reply if this helped/didnt.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  9. I went in originally noticed I wasn't getting any encounters of any rarity, literally no Pokemon were spawning. Left, and went back in assuming it was on my end. Again, same problem persisted when I re-entered and I spent some time running around trying to get any encounter, noticed another player not engaging in battle and asked them if they were encountering a similar problem in which they confirmed they was. I cant confirm if the other player was using repels but I wasn't.

    I recorded the second entry of the zone,

    the client was restarted and the only encounters i could initiate were through headbutting trees, there was also no surf encounters.


    To add, it seemed as if everything but the exclusive area was as normal.


    Thank you:)

    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    I was unable to replicate this bug.

    Could you please try to perform a clean installation of the game?

    To do so, delete all the files of the game including apks/compressed and then clear the cache of your device and reinstalling from HERE.

    Let me know if that fixed the bug.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  10. Hi. I want to report a problem that has to do with suspicious bot again. It requires 40 wins to give reroll ticked. During these 40 wins it is likely that the server will crash and we will lose our win streak. It has happened to me 3 times. The 2nd time walrosskastanie answered me on discord about it. I will post his answer here. We are not talking about a small server crash here we are talking for about 1 lost hour of my life each time. Considering that the server was not stable since 2016 that i joined the game whats the point to add a mode like suspicious bot which requires that much time to complete it if it cant identify a server crash and let us continue from the point we stopped ?

    I want it to be fixed in 2 days that i will try again. Losing so much time for nothing is unacceptable. Thank you for your time.



    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    Your anger and frustration is well noticed.

    However, the game is in BETA and the server are in-fact unstable, it is being made so that when you battle the suspicious bot and if the server crashes, you would be able to battle the suspicious bot again, that is what walross meant in the screenshot you have provided.

    That is potentially the best solution we could offer for this problem, as server are infact unstable and it is also being looked upon. That is why they make suggestions about not battling bosses/PvP at certain times in the discord server.

    As provided in the Common Issues thread :

    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.

    Please do note that we cannot refund you the money as it would be unfair for other players who were affected by the crash and we do not have logs as to prove it.

    Let me know if you have further questions.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  11. I posted yesterday about i am not getting the latest version of the game and i got a massage for a clear installation. I did as he said and downloaded from the given link but i got the old version again.... What do i do now? And i can't download it from mediafire and ufiles

    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Thank you for reporting this bug and it has been forwarded to the concerned authority, I will let you know when and if the download links are doing to be fixed/replaced. As of now, you might need to use a VPN and try the mediafire download and test if you're able to install it.

    Let me know if you are able to install it.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  12. When I updated the screen was normal but it says ''can not connect to server'' what should I do can y'all plz fix this

    Hello there! My apologies for the inconvenience.



    Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about the situation because the game is still in BETA and crashes happen, its hard to stop them and we apologize for this.


    With that being said, I will quote from the Common Issues thread.



    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.



    Also, during scheduled downtimes, you are notified in the DISCORD SERVER and if the crash was on your end, please do read the quote below for possible solutions.



    • Crash issues or other issues


    ▪︎ Win7 Guide


    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix


    ▪︎ Android Guide


    ▪︎ Mac Guide


    ▪︎ PRO on Linux Guide


    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix




    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)


    1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip


    2. Disable anti-virus program


    3. Restart computer



    Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions


    1. The Unarchiver


    2. WinZip5


    3. Keka


    4. BetterZiip



    Others solution:


    Update driver and reinstall Direct X



    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.


    I hope the crashes stop after you have done these steps, let me know if they continue.

    Although, this is most probably the servers, as they were had crashed 20mins before you made this post.

    Let me know if you have futher questions.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  13. Hi there i have just tried this i deleted all game files and reinstalled and it worked thanks!

    Hello there!


    I'm glad to hear that the problem has been solved.

    I shall now lock the topic, feel free to make a new one in case of need.

    Have a nice day!!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  14. All attacks will do at least 1 damage unless the move is not effective i saw the some pokemon damage calculation?

    Hello there! My apologies for the inconvenience.


    As said, this issue has been forwarded to the concerned staff and will be rectified in the future when time is available. As of now, we are working on more important things to do, and it will be in the to-do list of the concerned staff.

    Thank to for reporting this.

    Locking the topic as it has been solved, feel free to make a new one in case of need.

    Have a nice day!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  15. Hi admin. Have a good day.!


    Few day ago i released my Excadrill with choice crarf, But I haven't realized it until today.

    Can you help me get it back?

    Account: minhypro

    Server: Silver


    Thank you.!

    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    I would like to inform you that i have recovered the excadrill. However, it is not possible to recover the Choice Scarf along with it, as it is lost.

    Also, as bhimoso mentioned above, you would need to use the RESTORE POKEMON subforum in the future.

    Locked as solved, feel free to make a new one in case of need.

    Have a nice day!!!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  16. subject + the fact that it wouldn't disappear meant i was unable to move and had to relog losing me 10k as this happened instantly after i entered

    Hello there! I apologize for the inconvenience and the late response.


    I would like to inform you that the error is well known and seems widespread. However, the solution is not.

    We do recommend players to reinstall the game by deleting all old files (including apks/.zip) and clearing the cache and installing it again HERE and then trying it out again.

    Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope the issue is fixed after you complete those steps.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  17. Hello, i just bought a Macho Brace but i didn't realize it was on a pokemon for a region i didn't unlock yet, resulting in it being locked inside the PC, i don't care about the pokemon but the item. Hope you can help me.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    The issue has been forwarded to the relevant staff members, please be patient until they are able to solve it.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  18. I wanted to evolve my haunter to gengar but I don't have anyone to trade with. Can a staff or someone help trade with me?

    Hello there!


    I will lock the topic as it has been solved in-game, feel free to make a new one in case of need.

    Also, remember to use the Evolution Megathread in the future for evolution help, it keeps the forums more organized.

    Have a nice day!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  19. fortunately fixed

    Hello there!


    I'm glad to hear that the problem has been solved.

    I shall now lock the topic, feel free to make a new one, in case of need.

    Have a nice day!


    deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  20. If it does not work when it tries to download it, it receives a repair warning.

    Hello there!


    I had asked you for a screenshot of the error you have seen, HERE is a guide on how to post an image in the forums.

    Looking forward to see the error!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  21. figured this out you can take it down

    Hello there! My apologies for the inconvenience and the delayed response.


    I'm glad to hear that the problem has been solved.

    I shall now lock the topic, feel free to make a new one in case of need.

    Have a nice day!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  22. Hi i made a terrible mistake today, i was going to work and i trade my shiny misdreavus to my brother acc because he has mini ms and he will help me to lvl up, the problem is i dont check the id, and is a sinnoh pokemon (he is going for johto e4) and now i can get the poke back, please any mod can help me with undo this trade misdreavus is one of my favourites pokes and i pay almost all i have for this one shiny i will post a picture from my brother account




    my account: citizenerased94

    my brother acc: someday


    please help me

    Hello there! We apologize for the inconvenience.


    I have contacted the staff who can help you with the problem, please be patient until they are able to aid you with it.


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

  23. using windows7 did not clear the cache the game has been deleted no screenshots unfortunately

    Hello there!


    You can clear it by using an application like Ccleaner and I needed a screenshot of the error it shows now while you try to download the game.

    Looking forward for a reply!


    Deep Regards.

    - Aghanim.

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