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Everything posted by Thegodfather

  1. Hey guys As Im preparing to PVP Im looking for a Frog Rotom: Bold Greninja: Naive or Timid (if HP Fire or Grass), 26+ Speed Budget: 6+ M, so just PM me with your Offers or post them here.
  2. Dont announce it with godly pls when its not even close to it
  3. Can only see toxic aswell
  4. Added Prices
  5. All Pokes are gonna be hold in 48hrs Auction after Start Offer. Min Bid 50k. Payment Methods: Pokedollars CC (360k) IV Reroll (700k) Nature Reroll (350k) Untrained Pokes Trained Pokes
  6. Bump, Price lowered to 700k
  7. 700k, PM me or write here
  8. 1.6
  9. Hey guys I was doing some levelling and then this happened to me: I was false swiping a Golbat in CC to 1 HP and then let my false swiper die. After that i put in a lvl 7 Cacnea with Focus Sash and the absorb i used didnt kill the Golbat. Is that a bug or intended like that?
  10. Starting bid: 100k. Insta-Price: 350k Auction lasts 24 hours after first bid
  11. I accidentally just released my Gastly :( Silver Server Pokemon ID: 32379135 Would be amazing if you could restore it!
  12. Start 150k, end of auction 16:00 gmt+1 tomorrow
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